Managing the Learning Environment
The School of Medicine expects that students will recognize that they have entered a profession in which commitment to full participation in the learning environment is an essential component of what will become a style of life-long learning. It also is built upon the belief that each individual has something to contribute to the group’s learning, and is an integral part of medical profession’s team approach of sharing knowledge and problem solving together.
Speak privately with the student to determine if additional support may be needed. Encourage the student to access resources, counseling and advice available to them in the UWSOM Student Affairs. The College Program also provides each student with a mentor to support the student throughout his/her tenure in the medical school program.
If you remain concerned contact your Site Lead (a site specific curriculum directory can be found on each site’s page) to facilitate referrals to an academic skills advisor, student counseling service, disability services and/or the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.
The School of Medicine’s guidelines for dress and appearance were adopted for medical students to ensure that students present a professional appearance consistent with what is expected in a clinical setting. How one looks and acts directly affects how the care provided is perceived by patients, faculty, staff, and other students. See Standards of Dress and Appearance available here.
Speak privately with the student to ensure they are familiar with the guidelines. Ongoing concerns may be raised with your Site Lead ( a site specific curriculum directory can be found on each site’s page) who may facilitate referral to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.
Students in each block should be informed at the start of the block and at appropriate times during the block that when patients or visitors are present, they are expected to have their computers closed. This is an issue of respect for the patients or visitors.
If needed, speak privately with the student to ensure he/she is familiar with the guidelines. See Teacher/Learner Environment available here. Ongoing concerns may be raised with your Site Lead (a site specific curriculum directory can be found on each site’s page) who may also facilitate referral to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.