Monitoring Student Progress

Speak privately with the student to determine if additional support may be needed. Encourage the student to access resources, counseling and advice available to them in the UWSOM Student Affairs. The College Program also provides each student with a faculty mentor to support the student throughout his/her tenure in the medical school program.

If you remain concerned contact your Site Lead (a site specific curriculum directory can be found on each site’s page) to facilitate referrals to an academic skills advisor, student counseling service, disability services and/or Associate Dean for Student Affairs.

Early intervention is important. Feedback on performance in quizzes and assignments provides information on the student’s knowledge base, critical thinking, and assimilation of information. Faculty must be available to work with students beyond the classroom and review performance with the student when scores on quizzes or assignments are below standard. Students who perform on a quiz or exam at 2 standard deviations or more below the mean will be flagged and the Block Leader (and site leader and Foundation, if applicable) will be notified. These individuals are expected to connect with the student to assess whether additional help is required for the student and to coach the student on proceeding in seeking that help.

Speak privately with the student to determine if additional support may be needed. Encourage the student to access resources, counseling and advice available to them in the UWSOM Student Affairs department The College Program also provides a mentor to support the student throughout their tenure in the medical school program.

If you remain concerned contact your Site Lead (a site specific curriculum directory can be found on each site’s page) to facilitate referrals to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, an academic skills advisor, student counseling service and/or disability services.

The curriculum has been designed with a mixture of both in and out of class academic activities. These activities are expected to consume approximately 60 hours a week for the average medical student.

Speak privately with the student to determine if additional support may be needed. Encourage the student to access resources, counseling and advice available to them in the UWSOM Student Affairs department. The College Program also provides a mentor to support the student throughout their tenure in the medical school program.

If you remain concerned, contact your Site Lead (a site specific curriculum directory can be found on each site’s page) to facilitate referrals to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, an academic skills advisor, student counseling service and/or disability services.

You can use Catalyst GradeBook or Canvas Gradebook to record assignment grades and track student progress. To request access, contact the Site Administrator. Canvas training is available on request from UW SOM Academic and Learning Technologies. To request training, contact More general Canvas training sessions are also offered by UW Information Technology here.

The Site Lead must contact students who have failed an exam, or who would benefit from feedback before moving forward in the curriculum. Note: It is a Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) violation to email grades to students.

At the end of each term in the Foundations Phase, the Student Progress Committee (SPC) will convene to review performance of students and render decisions on the appropriate course of action regarding students’ continuance in the curriculum.

Click here for more details on student remediation of a Block or Thread for E16 and subsequent classes.

Students have the right to appeal their grades and/or evaluation comments in situations in which they feel the performance was based on inaccurate information, was not evaluated by faculty or residents with whom they worked, and/or included comments that were inappropriate or insufficient based on feedback received during the course. If the student is not satisfied after the block, course, or clerkship director’s review, the student may appeal to the Grade Appeal Committee for Foundations Phase or Patient Care/Explore and Focus Phase. Within an academic setting, the faculty are responsible for the final determination of the evaluation of the students’ performance.

Click here for more details on student grade review, challenge, and appeal.