Academic Support

Academic Support encompasses a broad array of services including learning strategies, test-taking skills, time management, advisement, as well as tutoring. Academic Support provides services that help students understand the greater purpose of their education, develop strategies for success, and develop an appreciation for lifelong learning. By consistently working together, the student and learning specialist work to bring out every student’s personal potential, explore areas of interest, and complete goals.

Academic Support offers the following services:

  • Individual Advising
  • (USMLE) United States Medical Licensing Exam Support
  • Class Presentations
  • Academic Workshops
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Referral Services

Meet the WWAMI Academic Support Team

Meet with a Learning Specialist

Schedule an appointment with a learning specialist

Zoom, Phone and In-Person appointments available. Please schedule at link above.

*Clinical students please email your learning specialist if you are having difficulty finding a time to meet due to your clinical schedule.

Find your Learning Specialist In-Person

  • Seattle:
    Dr. Brice, Dr. Tyler and Dr. Freed: Health Sciences Building (HSB) T-Wing (5th Floor)
  • Spokane:
    Dr. Arnold
    , Dr. White, Dr. Scruggs: 840 Building, 300 Suites
  • Wyoming:
    Dr. French: Health Sciences Room, 2nd Floor
  • Montana:
    Dr. Daughenbaugh:
    MOB5, 2nd Floor
  • Alaska:
    Dr. Uffenbeck: HSB, 1st Floor
  • Idaho:
    Dr. Freeman: WWAMI Medical Education Building, 1st Floor

Contact Academic Support

For general questions or concerns related to advising, tutoring or licensing exams, email our office account at