Foundations Phase

The Foundations Phase curriculum is eighteen months (three terms) in length and offered at 6 campuses in the WWAMI region. The curriculum is educationally equivalent at all the WWAMI sites, and common teaching materials, syllabi, and examinations are given to ensure that all students are achieving the same level of competence.

The Foundations Phase includes:

  • A 1-2-week orientation at each Foundation site.
  • Nine integrated, interdisciplinary block courses.
  • Thread topics that are integrated into each block.
  • Four themes; health equity and justice, health systems science, ethics, and global and population health, that are taught throughout the Foundations Phase.
  • Three Integration weeks which reinforce and apply concepts from disparate basic science disciplines.
  • Foundations of Clinical Medicine (FCM), which develops clinical skills in both a classroom and patient care setting (Primary Care Practicum).
  • A summer Independent Investigative Inquiry (III) course and III Final Project.
  • Consolidation and Transition to Clerkships courses, which provide study time for USMLE Step 1 licensing exam and prepares students to enter the clinical curriculum.

Foundations Phase Curriculum

The following is a comprehensive list of all courses and credits that students entering in 2024 or after register for in the Foundations Phase.

A table showing the required course numbers and course names for each quarter of the Foundations Phase.

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