
In July, each Foundations Site conducts an in-person orientation program for incoming students. All incoming students are required to be at their Foundations site and participate in orientation before classes begin. Orientation sessions are designed to familiarize you with the School of Medicine’s resources and services to help you onboard into medical school. A detailed schedule of orientation and a link to your site-specific orientation Canvas page will be available in late June.

Foundation Phase classes will begin on mid-July 2025. In September, students will complete a clinical immersion program that focuses on clinical skills practice following their first Foundations course.

Orientation Start Dates & Contacts

Foundations SiteProgram DatesContactEmailOrientation Page
Washington/SeattleJuly 2025 - exact dates TBDLaura Ortizsomstudentaffairs@uw.eduSeattle Orientation Canvas Site
Washington/SpokaneJuly 2025 - exact dates TBDSean Collins
Deborah Greene
Spokane Orientation Canvas Site
WyomingJuly 2025 - exact dates TBDNatalia Brown
April French
John Willford
Wyoming Orientation Canvas Site
AlaskaJuly 2025 - exact dates TBDNancy Hallnjhall@alaska.eduAlaska Orientation Canvas Site
July 2025 - exact dates TBDKayla Ouertkayla.ouert@montana.eduMontana Orientation Canvas Site
IdahoJuly 2025 - exact dates TBDMarlane Martonick
Whitney Vincent
Idaho Orientation Canvas Site


Pre-Orientation Check List 

Please review the Pre-Orientation Checklist and complete all required items prior to the start of Orientation at your respective Foundations site. Additional requirements will be added to the checklist over the course of the spring.