MS2 Class Information – June 16, 2022

No new updates for MS2s this week. Career Advising Student Advisory Board Tip of the Month  While on rotations, try to secure at least one letter writer for your residency application. If an attending offers to write you a letter in the future, take them up on it! If they don’t offer one naturally, but […]

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MS2 Class Information – June 9, 2022

Many thanks to everyone who took the End-of-Foundations Phase Survey Here is a message from Sara Kim, Associate Dean for Educational Quality Improvement: The End-of-Foundations Phase survey is now closed. I am sharing the final summary of the response rates with a special thanks to the Seattle and Spokane students who took the time to […]

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MS2 Class Information – June 2, 2022

Final chance to provide feedback and enter to win Here is a message from Sara Kim, Associate Dean for Educational Quality Improvement: Below is the near-final response rate as the survey link was sent today for the last time to those who haven’t had a chance to complete it. The school level response rate is […]

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MS2 Class Information – May 26, 2022

We’re so close: If you haven’t taken the survey yet, can you consider taking it now? Time grows short for your chance to win prizes worth up to $50 Here is a message from Sara Kim, Associate Dean for Educational Quality Improvement:  This week’s survey response rate is 67.2%, a slight increase from last week’s […]

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MS2 Class Information – May 19, 2022

Foundations phase survey update Two weeks remain for your chance to win prizes worth up to $50 Here is a message from Sara Kim, Associate Dean for Educational Quality Improvement: The survey response rate as of today is 66.8 percent, an increase of 1.5 percentage points from the last week. Thank you to those who […]

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MS2 Class Information – May 12, 2022

Three more weeks to go: Foundations phase survey You too could have the chance to win prizes worth up to $50 From Sara Kim, Associate Dean for Educational Quality Improvement: We are at 65.3 percent participation, a slight increase from the survey response rate of 63.4 percent last week. We have three weeks to go before closing the […]

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MS2 Class Information – May 5, 2022

More people are filling out the survey: Thank you! You too could have the chance to win prizes worth up to $50 From Sara Kim, Associate Dean for Educational Quality Improvement: We are at 63.4 percent this week (vs. 61.9 percent last week). Thank you so much to those who took the time to take […]

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MS2 Class Information – April 28, 2022

More people are filling out the survey: Thank you! You too could have the chance to win prizes worth up to $50 From Sara Kim, Associate Dean for Educational Quality Improvement:  This week’s survey response rate stands at 61.9 percent, an increase of 2 percentage points from last week. I would like to take a […]

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MS2 Class Information – April 21, 2022

Recent updates from the National Board of Medical Examiners A message from Matt Cunningham, Director of Educational Evaluation: I wanted to make sure you were aware of two recent announcements from the National Board of Medical Examiners. NBME has officially committed to continuing remote administration of subject exams through the 2022-23 academic year, so you […]

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MS2 Class Information – April 14, 2022

Patient sim lab video We recently filmed video of a patient simulation lab so we could provide the recording to TV stations interested in medical students. A portion of the video can be seen during the recent KING TV report about primary care. We thought you might enjoy seeing the whole video as well as […]

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