MS2 Class Information – Aug. 25, 2022

No updates for MS2s this week. Career Advising Student Advisory Board Tip of the Month  If you’re still exploring specialties, consider setting up shadowing or research (even short case reports) within specialties you might like. Step 1 dedicated and clinical rotations come quickly, and you won’t have much time for these things once they start. […]

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MS1 Class Information – Aug. 25, 2022

ICYMI Learn about budgeting during webinar tomorrow, Aug. 26 The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) invites you to register for the Aug. 26 FIRST Friday webinar, “Budgeting as a Medical Student.” The webinar will be held at 10 a.m. AK, 11 a.m. PT and noon MT on Aug. 26. Registered participants will receive a […]

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MS4 Class Information – Aug. 18, 2022

Students sought for study of clerkship assessments Want to improve clerkship assessment?! Researchers are recruiting MS3s and MS4s for a UW Institutional Review Board-approved study about how clinical clerkship assessments impact learning. The researchers hope this study will benefit medical students by improving clerkship assessments. Participants will be offered a $50 gift card for one […]

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MS3 Class Information – Aug. 18, 2022

Students sought for study of clerkship assessments  Want to improve clerkship assessment?! Researchers are recruiting MS3s and MS4s for a UW Institutional Review Board-approved study about how clinical clerkship assessments impact learning. The researchers hope this study will benefit medical students by improving clerkship assessments.  Participants will be offered a $50 gift card for one […]

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MS2 Class Information – Aug. 18, 2022

No updates for MS2s this week. Career Advising Student Advisory Board Tip of the Month  If you’re still exploring specialties, consider setting up shadowing or research (even short case reports) within specialties you might like. Step 1 dedicated and clinical rotations come quickly, and you won’t have much time for these things once they start. […]

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MS1 Class Information – Aug. 18, 2022

Learn during webinar about budgeting The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) invites you to register for the Aug. 26 FIRST Friday webinar, “Budgeting as a Medical Student.” The webinar will be held at 10 a.m. AK, 11 a.m. PT and noon MT on Aug. 26. Registered participants will receive a link to the recording. […]

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MS2 Class Information – Aug. 11, 2022

Please wait on scheduling time with Career Advising The following is from the Career Advising team, Linh Ngo, Sarah Thomson and Tonja Brown: Dear MS1s, MS2s and MS3s, MS4s are currently working very hard on their residency applications. Most applications are due by Sept. 28. This means that the career advisors are extremely busy meeting […]

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MS1 Class Information – Aug. 11, 2022

Please wait on scheduling time with Career Advising The following is from the Career Advising team, Linh Ngo, Sarah Thomson and Tonja Brown: Dear MS1s, MS2s and MS3s, MS4s are currently working very hard on their residency applications. Most applications are due by Sept. 28. This means that the career advisors are extremely busy meeting […]

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MS4 Class Information – Aug. 11, 2022

Application now open: AOA Honor Medical Society Fall Senior Election – Deadline 8/28 The Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) Honor Medical Society Fall ‘Senior’ election will be held in early September. AOA is a national medical honor society in which election is based on a commitment to scholarship, leadership, professionalism, and service. There are 123 chapters […]

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MS3 Class Information – Aug. 11, 2022

Please wait on scheduling time with Career Advising The following is from the Career Advising team, Linh Ngo, Sarah Thomson and Tonja Brown: Dear MS1s, MS2s and MS3s, MS4s are currently working very hard on their residency applications. Most applications are due by Sept. 28. This means that the career advisors are extremely busy meeting […]

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