UW Course Applications

Adding & Making Changes to Courses

The University of Washington has and online system (Kuali) for curriculum management including approval of new course applications and course change applications. Anyone with a UW NetID can use Kuali to file new course applications or make modifications.

New course or course changes may also require formal approval by the School of Medicine.  Review the School of Medicine New Clerkship and Site approval process to ensure all approvals are in place before submitting an application in Kuali.

Clerkships must gain final approval by the UW Curriculum Committee before students can be registered. This is the workflow for course approval by the University of Washington:

  1. Department fills out application online
  2. Department Chair (or designated approver) approves application
  3. School Of Medicine approves application at two levels:
    1. SOM Curriculum Committee*
    2. SOM Dean/VC
  4. Once approved by SOM application is reviewed by UW Curriculum Office.  If application is okay to move forward it is scheduled for the next UW Curriculum Committee (UWCC) meeting.  Kuali course application deadlines apply (see below for additional information).
  5. Once course is approved at UWCC the UW Curriculum Offices finalizes course approvals in Kuali, at which point the course is available to add to the Time Schedule.  This can take up to two weeks after the UWCC Meeting.

*Not all new courses and course changes need approval at a SOM governance committee but do require approval via SOM Curriculum Office.


Curriculum Committee Deadlines

  • All course applications must be submitted and through the Kuali approval flow by Noon on the day of the deadline in order for the application to be reviewed at a UW Curriculum Committee meeting.
  • We suggest that you turn your applications in to SOM Curriculum no later than one week before the UW Curriculum deadline to ensure all approvals are in place, and to give time to fix any issues that your application may be sent back for.
  •  The UW Curriculum Committee has reduced the number of their Committee meetings- effective 2023 they will only meet once a quarter, with no meeting in Summer (three meetings total per year). This may cause significant delay in the approval of your course at the UW level. Please refer to the Curriculum Committee Deadlines to ensure your course is approved in a timeline sufficient for your scheduling needs. 

You will need to submit a new course application each time you add a new clerkship or add a new site to an existing clerkship. New course applications are submitted online through Kuali.

  • Step-by-Step Instructions for submitting a new course application in Kuali
  • Example New Course Application

    • The sections you need to fill out are highlighted – pay attention to these sections:
      • Credits: 2 wks = 4 cr, 4 wks = 8 cr, 6 wks = 12cr, * = variable credits
      • Administrative Contact Information: Clerkship Administrator or departmental Curriculum Coordinator (not the preceptor)
      • Activities & Hours: Other & Total – 40+;
      • Explanation: Clerkship X-weeks full/part time
      • Grading: Standard

Course change applications should be submitted online via Kuali. You will need to submit a course change application if you want to make changes such as:

  • Change a course name (ex. updating from Group Health to Kaiser Permanante)
  • Change credits (ex. make a course variable credit or put a limit on the maximum credits a students can take the course for [ex. 4, max. 8])
  • Add or drop prerequisites
  • Change a course description
  • Update learning objectives
  • Drop a course that will no longer be offered

Check course information including official course name, credits, and prerequisites in the UW Course Catalog 

  • Step-by-Step Instructions for changing a course in Kuali
  • Example Course Change Application
    • Only fill out:
      • Sections you are changing (ex. credits)
      • Justification for the changes
      • Administrative contact information.
    • Important: Changes such as updating learning objectives require an updated syllabus.