MS3 Class Information – Aug. 31, 2023

Confirm your registration status by Sept. 14

The Registration and Scheduling team has an important update for students taking clinical clerkships during Autumn Quarter 2023.

You must log in to MyUW and verify your registration for CONJ 699 for Autumn Quarter 2023 by 3 p.m. AK, 4 p.m. PT and 5 p.m. MT on Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023.

What will happen if you don’t do this:

  • If you are not registered but should be: You will not be enrolled in courses for the Autumn 2023 quarter, which begins on Monday, Sept. 18, 2023. Without registering, you will not receive credit for the courses, they will not appear on your transcript, and you will not be on track to graduate.
  • If you are registered but should not be: You will be charged for courses you do not attend and may receive a failing grade

Learn more here about what you need to do.

“Tip of the Month” from the Career Advising Student Advisory Board

The Career Tip of the Month will return in September. 

In case you missed it, here is the previous issue of the student newsletter for MS3s.


Have a wonderful week!