MS2 Class Information – June 20, 2024

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Peer to peer: Road to Residency Tip of the Month

While on rotations, try to secure at least one person who can write a letter for your residency application. If an attending offers to write you a letter in the future, take them up on it! If they don’t offer one naturally, but you connect with them and do well on the rotation, ask if they feel they can write you a strong letter of rec. Away rotation applications also often require letters, so stay in touch with these letter writers! Here’s some more info from Career Advising on letters of recommendation.

Edited by BIPOC MS3 Abraham Correa-Medina. Originally written by BIPOC alum Shanelle Briggs, MD.

ICYMI: Here is a link to the most recent newsletter for MS2s.

Have an amazing week!