Student Progress Committee


The Student Progress Committee (SPC) is a group comprised of about 12 faculty members who have been delegated responsibility by the Dean of the School of Medicine for monitoring medical students’ progress toward graduation and determining if the standards of the UWSOM are being met in individual cases. All areas of student progress are monitored, including promotion, remediation, probation, leave of absence, expansion, reprimand, suspension, dismissal, licensing exam performance, compliance, and graduation. SPC meets monthly, typically on the second Thursday of each month. More information about membership, meeting procedures (including conflict of interest and confidentiality clauses), and the decision review process is available in the SPC Bylaws.

The UWSOM’s policies may differ from the University’s policies. This is due to the unique structure of the medical school, dispersed over academic and clinical sites in a five-state region. Due to the standards required for patient interactions, SPC’s guidelines for managing students’ academic progress and professional development may differ from the University’s policies.

SPC does not consider the accuracy or appropriateness of grades and evaluations submitted by course, block, thread, and clerkship directors and does not determine whether you have met the requirements for a course or clerkship. Grade appeals are managed by the Grade Appeal Committee (GAC) as part of the the grade review, petition, and appeal process. More information is available in the Academic Grading Policy and the Academic Grievance & Appeal Policy.

SPC does not investigate allegations of unacceptable conduct. When there is an allegation that UWSOM’s academic or professionalism standards have been violated, the inquiry is completed by a designated UWSOM or University process. Once this process is complete, SPC reviews confirmed violations and determines actions. More information is available in the Guidelines for Managing Alleged Violations of Academic and Professionalism Standards.

SPC does not review dismissal recommendation appeals. Appeals of dismissal recommendations made by SPC are managed by the Dismissal Appeal Committee (DAC) as part of the dismissal review process. More information is available in the Review of Dismissal Recommendations Policy.

Section 1: Student Progress Committee

Article 1: General Governance

The following bylaws govern the organization and procedures of the Student Progress Committee (SPC). The Student Progress Committee is governed by the Faculty Council on Academic Affairs (FCAA). FCAA reviewed and approved the Student Progress Committee Bylaws on February 13, 2024.

Article 2: Authority and Accountability

Authority: The Student Progress Committee is delegated responsibility by the Dean of the School of Medicine for issues related to the academic progress and professional conduct of students while enrolled in the medical school, from matriculation through graduation. This includes combined degree programs. Examples of issues include, but are not limited to, decisions on promotion, remediation, and probation, leaves of absence, expanded curricular programs, mandatory leave, suspension, dismissal, and graduation. In addition, for student conduct issues that occur outside of the medical school program, the review and appeals process may be managed under the University’s Student Conduct Code. [Chapter 478‐121 WAC]

Accountability: The Student Progress Committee reports to FCAA and ultimately to the Dean of the School of Medicine. Changes to SPC’s operating procedures are presented to FCAA for approval, and then to the Medical School Executive Committee (MSEC) and the Dean of the School of Medicine.

Article 3: Purpose/Scope of Responsibility

Purpose: The Student Progress Committee exists to monitor medical students’ progress toward graduation and to determine if the standards of the University of Washington School of Medicine are being met in individual cases.

Scope of responsibility: In cases of unsatisfactory performance, the Student Progress Committee reviews students’ records on a routine basis in all areas of academic performance and professional behavior and conduct specified in the graduation requirements. These include, but are not limited to, performance in course work, Independent Investigative Inquiry, Foundations and Patient Care Phase OSCEs, USMLE Step 1 and Step 2‐CK, attitudes and behavior which demonstrate fitness for clinical contact, and high standards of conduct within the medical school and community. Professional behaviors outside of coursework are also considered within the context of the School’s graduation requirements.

    1. In matters involving academic performance, including issues surrounding professional behavior or conduct in courses or clerkships, other than suspension, dismissal, or the waiving of graduation requirements, the Student Progress Committee makes the final decision on modifications in medical students’ programs with no further review outside of the Committee.
    2. In cases in which a student requests a review of a suspension or dismissal decision, information is presented to the Dismissal Appeal Committee (DAC) and the FCAA for a review of due process, and ultimately to the Dean of the School of Medicine, whose decision is final.
    3. In matters of petitions to waive graduation requirements, the Student Progress Committee forwards the request to the Vice Dean for Academic, Rural and Regional Affairs who may make a decision or request a review by the FCAA.
    4. In matters involving a violation of University of Washington Student Conduct Code, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs will consult with the Vice Dean for Academic, Rural and Regional Affairs and the appropriate University official to determine the review and appeal process to be used within the University. Depending on the outcome of this review process, the matter may be resolved within the University’s structure with input on the remediation or sanction from the School of Medicine, or the matter may be referred to the Student Progress Committee for review within the School of Medicine’s guidelines for managing misconduct violations.
    5. Within the framework of the School’s published grading and assessment system, the setting of specific criteria for evaluating a student’s performance within a given course is the prerogative of the faculty assigned responsibility for the courses. The Committee’s role is not to assign or change a grade.

Article 4: Membership

Voting members:

    1. Expectation of members: Although members are selected to ensure broad representation of the UWSOM, members have the responsibility to function as “members of the whole,” working toward optimal outcomes for individual student cases rather than representing the interests of a particular constituency.
    2. Faculty: The Student Progress Committee is composed of ten to twelve faculty members from the School of Medicine. Emeritus faculty from the School of Medicine may also serve on this Committee upon recommendation by the Vice Dean for Academic, Rural and Regional Affairs and approval by the Dean of the School of Medicine.

Terms: The Committee’s faculty members are appointed by the Dean of the School of Medicine for a four‐year term, with one consecutive reappointment term. There is an attempt to maintain continuity by allowing no greater than one‐third of Committee members to rotate off at any one time.

Selection of faculty members: The names of faculty members are solicited annually to determine interest in serving on various standing committees. Those recommended by their department chair and/or who express interest in serving on the Student Progress Committee are forwarded to the Vice Dean for Academic, Rural and Regional Affairs for consideration and discussed with the Chair of the Student Progress Committee. Faculty are selected based upon their knowledge and understanding of the medical school program and their interest in committing time to serve on the Committee. Once the review process is completed, names are forwarded to the Dean of the School of Medicine for final approval.

Faculty member resignation or replacement: In the event an appointed faculty member resigns, the Chair can appoint a pro tem member. A nomination to replace the member will take place during the following election cycle. If nominated, this interim period does not count toward the cumulative period of the term.

Possible replacement for absenteeism: Members who miss three or more Committee meetings in a twelve-month period can be dismissed by the Chair after discussion with the member.

Ex officio members: The Student Progress Committee’s ex officio members are School of Medicine educational leadership and professional staff with relevant roles within the Academic, Rural and Regional Affairs Office.

Responsibility: The role of the ex officio members is to provide information relevant to their specific areas of responsibility when requested by the Committee Chair or faculty Committee members. If an ex officio member has oversight for students’ progress, has worked with the student in the educational environment, or been involved in working with the student in service learning or extracurricular programs, they may be asked to provide input to the Committee.

Membership: The following are currently appointed ex officio members. As such, they may attend meetings and participate in discussions, but are not voting members of the Committee and do not participate in the final decision‐making. Other ex officio members may be invited to serve on the Committee at any time when deemed appropriate by the Chair.

  • Associate Deans for Student Affairs, Admissions, and Curriculum
  • Assistant Deans for Student Development, Student Support, Equity and Medical Student Engagement, Basic Sciences, Clinical Education, and the Colleges
  • Regional Assistant Foundations and Clinical Deans
  • Registrar and Assistant Registrar
  • Designee from the Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education – Medical Education & Evaluation
  • Proactive Advisor

Article 5: Officers

Designation: The Student Progress Committee is chaired by a faculty member. The Chair of SPC is a paid 10% FTE administrative position within the Academic Affairs unit. The Chair is expected to be released from clinical time by their departmental chair, commensurate with the percentage of time (10%) required of the

Terms: The Chair position is a four‐year term with potential for one consecutive reappointment term.

Selection: The Chair of the Student Progress Committee is appointed by the Dean of the School of Medicine upon receiving the name of the recommended candidate from the Vice Dean for Academic, Rural and Regional It is preferred that the Chair has served as a Committee member for at least two years prior to their appointment.

Accountability: The Chair of the Committee works closely with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Registrar and reports to the Vice Dean for Academic, Rural and Regional Affairs. The Vice Dean for Academic, Rural and Regional Affairs conducts an annual review of the Chair with input solicited from various

Duties: The Chair of the Student Progress Committee has the following responsibilities:

    1. Determines dates and projected agenda topics;
    2. Chairs and keeps the Committee meeting moving efficiently;
    3. Helps to build consensus among the Committee members;
    4. May vote to break a tie or to make a tie;
    5. Directs the preparatory meetings with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Registrar, and staff prior to each Committee meeting; is advised of any agenda issues or new information on students; considers potential Committee actions; approves final agenda;
    6. Manages the periodic reviews of Committee’s guidelines and discussions and/or approval of revisions;
    7. Composes letters to students regarding actions taken by the Committee.

Article 6: Procedures


    1. Meetings of the Student Progress Committee will be called by the Chair.
    2. The Student Progress Committee will meet at least monthly. Meetings without agenda items will be cancelled.
    3. The Chair may call special meetings for the purpose of hearing reports, discussing matters of interest to the Committee, or seeking the Committee’s advice.
    4. In cases in which a decision needs to be made within a short timeframe, and it is not possible to convene the full Committee, the Chair of the Student Progress Committee may decide individual cases on behalf of SPC or may convene a subcommittee of three (3) or more SPC members plus the Chair to review cases urgently.
    5. If a student accepts a decision made by the Chair or subcommittee on behalf of the Student Progress Committee, the decision is presented to SPC at the next scheduled meeting as “information only”.
    6. Student Progress Committee meetings are closed meetings. Non-members may not attend unless at the invitation of the Committee.


    1. Voting members: All faculty members of the Student Progress Committee are voting members, not including the Chair unless required to make quorum or to break or create a tie vote.
    2. Quorum: The Student Progress Committee may conduct business with a quorum of 51% of the voting members. If necessary to conduct business, the Chair may be considered a voting member to make a quorum with the approval of those present. A simple majority vote (51%) of those present is required to pass or defeat a motion.
    3. If a Student Progress Committee meeting with a confirmed quorum subsequently loses quorum, the Chair may request that the Committee function as a subcommittee and consider all agenda items. The minimum number of Committee members should not be less than three (3) plus the Chair.
    4. Suspension or dismissal may not be recommended by the SPC Chair or subcommittees. These actions can only result from a vote of the full Committee.
    5. Tie votes: The Chair may vote to break a tie vote or to create a tie vote in order to allow for more discussion.

Conflict of interest: Voting and ex-officio members of SPC may have relationships with students reviewed at SPC.  To prevent conflicts of interest, SPC members are required to disclose that they have a conflict of interest and recuse themselves from student reviews, interviews, discussions, and voting when the student being discussed is:

  • A direct mentee, including students in a member’s College faculty group
  • A friend or family member
  • Related to a colleague or friend (child, spouse, etc.)
  • A current or former patient of the SPC member
  • In any other relationship with the SPC member, past or present, that creates a conflict of interest
  1. A faculty member recusing themselves will physically leave the meeting room during the review, interview, discussion, and vote portions of the SPC process for the student with whom the faculty member has a conflict of interest.
  2. Course, block, thread, and clerkship directors and leaders may serve on SPC. When a student is under discussion because of a deficiency in that SPC’s member’s course at that SPC member’s site, that SPC member is required to recuse themselves from the interview, discussion, and vote. However, that faculty member may inform SPC about that student’s performance in their course before leaving the meeting. This faculty member does not need to recuse themselves from future meetings if the same student is reviewed for different deficiencies.
  3. Before being interviewed by SPC, students are provided with a list of SPC members in advance. Students may request that specific members of SPC recuse themselves, based on a direct relationship with those SPC members. If the faculty member disagrees with the student’s request for recusal, the SPC Chair will make the final decision.

Confidentiality: SPC maintains strict confidentiality surrounding students’ academic performance and progress in the medical school program. The following individuals have knowledge of the student’s status and/or are informed when appropriate to facilitate the student’s successful progress:

  • SPC chair and SPC voting members
  • Faculty and staff who serve as ex-officio members of SPC
  • The student’s College mentor
  • Relevant staff members who schedule appointments with deans, schedule students in courses and clerkships, write letters of good standing, or maintain academic files
  • Block, thread, course, and clerkship directors (or designees) who present or provide information to SPC about students having difficulty in their curricular component, and who need to manage remediation
  • Academic faculty of affiliated degree programs (e.g., Medical Scientist Training Program)
  • Director of Academic Support
  • Anyone with legitimate need to know as defined by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Article 7: Review of SPC Decisions

Review of decisions made by the Chair or a subcommittee: If the student does not accept the Chair or subcommittee’s decision, the student may request a review at the next meeting of the Committee and remains in their current status, i.e. does not begin the recommended remediation, leave, expansion recommended by subcommittee.
Review of dismissal recommendations: Dismissal recommendations may be appealed to the Dismissal Appeal Committee (DAC) and are automatically reviewed by the FCAA and the Dean of the School of Medicine.

  1. If a student continues in the curriculum while under dismissal review, SPC has oversight over what blocks, courses, or clerkships may be scheduled.
  2. If SPC’s dismissal recommendation is overturned by DAC, FCAA, or the Dean of the School of Medicine, SPC determines the appropriate academic program and curricular schedule.

Review of SPC actions other than dismissal: Students who disagree with any SPC decision other than dismissal may request a review. SPC will consider the student’s written petition at the next SPC meeting and decide if the student’s proposal is acceptable or not. This decision will be communicated in writing within ten (10) days of the Committee meeting in which the student’s case is discussed.

  1. If SPC does not accept the student’s proposal, the student may accept the original decision or may request to appear in person to explain their plan further.
    • When a student requests to appear in person, an interview is planned for the next scheduled SPC meeting. The SPC Chair has discretion to delay the interview under extenuating circumstances.
    • After the interview, SPC determines the plan that the student must follow to continue in the curriculum. SPC may take any appropriate action and is not limited to the actions initially taken in response to the student’s deficiencies.
    • This decision is final with no further review within UWSOM or the University.

Article 8: Communications, Records, and Administration

Students discussed by the Student Progress Committee will receive a letter from the Chair detailing the Committee’s decision within ten (10) days of the Committee meeting in which their case is discussed. A copy of the letter will be provided to the student’s College mentor, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, and any other parties with a legitimate need to know as defined in Article 6, Section d.

The Chair of the Student Progress Committee is responsible for ensuring administrative staff maintain accurate and confidential records of all meetings. A full set of meeting minutes will be retained for at least 10 years. Meeting minutes will remain confidential.

Committee support: In addition to the Chair, the Student Progress Committee is supported by an administrator who is responsible for all administrative aspects of the running of the Committee, including record keeping, communication to all relevant parties, agendas, and minutes.

Section 2: Management of Conflicts

When conflicts occur in the course of management or oversight of decisions under the purview of the Student Progress Committee, resolution will be attempted through iterative discussion facilitated by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. If conflicts cannot be resolved in this way, further advisory input will be sought from the Vice Dean for Academic, Rural and Regional Affairs. Ultimate authority rests with the Faculty Council on Academic Affairs and the Dean of the School of Medicine.

Section 3: Amendments and Other Provisions

Amendments to the Student Progress Committee Bylaws will be presented to the Faculty Council on Academic Affairs for review, discussion, and a vote.

Approval date: February 13, 2024