Grade Review, Challenge, and Appeal Process FAQ

Questions? –

  1. What is a grade review?
    • A grade review is a review of materials in a block or course that contributed to students final block/course grade. The review is completed with the block/course director. Grades in the Foundations Phase are Pass/Fail.
    • All students are permitted under FERPA (Family, Education, Rights and Privacy act) to review educational records (e.g., exams and evaluations) upon request and any time after grade submission.
  2. How do I review my grade?

  1. What is a grade challenge?
    • After a grade review,  if a student has a significant concern about their final grade, the student may submit a grade challenge to the block or course director.
    • The block or course director reviews the relevant grading and evaluative materials, and elicits related materials from faculty or block or course resources to determine the uniformity and impartiality of the grade.
    • After block or course director completes fact finding, student and director meet to discuss student’s challenge.
  2. How do I submit a grade challenge?
    • Complete the Foundations Grade Challenge Form and submit to the block or course director.
    • Grade challenge must be submitted by week four of the following quarter. This allows the block or course a minimum of three weeks to meet with the student and process the challenge.
    • Within the three week window, the Block or Course Director must contact the student with the grade challenge decision. This allows the student one week to decide whether an appeal is necessary.
  3. What happens prior to the challenge meeting with the block or course director?
    • The block or course will obtain all documentation related to process of grade creation.
    • Solicit names/level of contact of evaluators (if applicable).
    • Gather additional data (if appropriate based on student challenge documentation)
  4. What happens at the grade challenge meeting with the student and the block/course director?
    • Review student concerns and clarify areas of uncertainty.
    • Review additional data gathered prior to the meeting.
    • Outline next steps in the challenge process if indicated (e.g. review by other faculty, gather additional data).
    • Outline communication plan about decision.
    • Inform student of next steps if they are not satisfied with the outcome of the meeting.

  1. What is a grade appeal and who decides?
    • Following informal grade review and grade challenge, if the student still has significant concerns about their grade, student submits a grade appeal. The grade appeal committee meets to review all materials related to the appeal (no student identifiers included) and make the final determination to retain or revise the grade.
  2. What does the grade appeal committee discuss and determine?
    • Adequacy of grading process
    • Adequacy of data used to determine grade/narrative comments
    • Adequacy of fact finding process and documentation
    • Optional interview of student/block or course director for clarification
  3. How do I submit a grade appeal?
    • Complete the Foundations Grade Appeal Form and submit to the Block or Course Director (copy the Block/Course Administrator).
    • The grade appeal must be submitted by week eight of the following quarter. This allows the grade appeal committee a minimum of four weeks to meet and decide the student’s grade appeal.
    • Grade appeal must be completed by the end of the following quarter.
    • Deadlines listed on this page.