MS3 Class Information – May 26, 2022

Activate your link to Texas STAR Match Data

Earlier this week, you should have received an email with an access link to the Texas STAR Match data dashboard. Texas STAR is a national resource to review specialties and programs and to compare your profile against students who received interviews and matched to programs in your specialty. The email was likely sent by “Microsoft Power BI” and titled something like “Cydney Coleman has shared Power BI Report ‘Texas STAR Dashboard 2022’ with you” (the exact name of the person sharing the report may vary).

Do NOT delete the email and be sure to activate the link in the email within 30 days of receiving the email or your access will expire. For more information about this tool, visit Career Advising’s Researching Residency Programs page and expand the Texas STAR accordion.

If you do not think you received the email, check your spam/junk folder first before emailing

Update on the Patient Care Phase Survey (only for students completing OSCE, Objective Structured Clinical Examinations)

You could win up to $50 worth of items

This is a message from Sara Kim, Associate Dean for Educational Quality Improvement: Let me begin by saying BRAVO to your class. If you see the graph below, already nearly 30 percent of the class completed the survey with the following breakdown by your regional campus affiliation: Montana: 43.3 percent; Alaska: 40 percent; Seattle: 32 percent; Idaho: 30 percent; Wyoming: 25 percent and Spokane: 16.7 percent. In my 7 years of experiences in managing student surveys, this is by far the most positive student engagement I have seen this early in the survey rollout. I thank each of you for taking the time to complete it.

For those of you who haven’t had a chance to complete the survey, the link is sent to you every Tuesday from Your email is only used for tracking purposes and will not be linked to your responses.

Please see the survey incentives below.

Thank you everyone!






This year, we are offering the following incentives for completing the survey:
• Two $50 items you select from Amazon
• Twelve $25 items you select from Amazon
• Three $50-value WWAMI gift packs


Career Advising Student Advisory Board – Tip of the Month

Congrats on finishing third-year rotations! After Step 2, many of you will do a rotation in the field you wish to enter. Now is the time to meet or check in with your Specialty Career Advisor/s! Get on their radar as the new application cycle begins and ask for rotation tips (e.g., who to work with and get letters from).

  • Written by Career Advising Student Advisory Board member, Shanelle Briggs, and reviewed by a second BIPOC Board member, L’Oreal Kennedy.


In case you missed it:

Here is a link to the May 19, 2022 Student Newsletter information for MS3s.