Registered Student Organizations

WWAMI students have ample opportunity to connect with one another across a wide variety of interests including specialty, service, affinity, and more.

New students can get to know about organizations at the annual student organization fairs held at their Foundations site.

Don’t see what you’re interested in? Students can work with Student Affairs staff to launch their own organization of interest.

For more information on how to join a UWSOM Student Organization, view this page.

All student groups should register as an RSO (Registered Student Organization) with main campus. Deadline to submit registrations is October 31st and can be found here. In the eyes of the university, all WWAMI students are considered Seattle UW students (as opposed to UW Bothell, UW Tacoma).

Check the UWSOM 24-25 Student Organization Directory to see if a group already exists at UWSOM. If it does, contact the leaders to find out how to get involved.

If you are a non-Seattle based student looking to join an existing group, contact the leaders of the group to learn how you can participate from your WWAMI site. If you are a non-Seattle based student and want to form a branch or chapter of an already-existing student organization, contact the leaders of the group to talk about how this structure will work for the particular student organization you are interested in.

To see templates for new organization constitutions, click on the following links:

The UWSOM Student Organization Leadership Manual is the primary resource for students who hold leadership positions within a student organization. The manual contains essential information including funding sources, banking, room reservations, Zoom technology, and much more.

The UW Student Activities Office website offers a comprehensive guide of all the resources available to registered student organizations through the University of Washington.