LCME Weekly Update: Stay in the Know, Policy Essentials for All Students

Many aspects of Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) accreditation encourage schools to inform students about key medical program policies. This week’s LCME Corner highlights essential policies that all UWSOM students, faculty, and staff should review.

Policies related to mistreatment are critical for fostering an engaging, supportive, and respectful learning environment. Attendance, healthcare access, and exam-related policies provide essential guidance as we begin the quarter. Additionally, the Policy on Supervision of Medical Students in Clinical Settings underscores our shared commitment to the safety of patients, students, and healthcare providers.

We also want to remind everyone of the Academic Grievance & Appeal Policy, ensuring you have access to this important resource if you ever need to reference it.

We encourage all students to review the following key policies by visiting the Medical Education Program Policies webpage:

To quickly locate specific policies or related information, use the search box at the top of the policy table. Simply enter a keyword (e.g., “attendance”) to view relevant policies and associated resources.

If you come across outdated policy links on any website or document, please report them to

We’ll be back next week with more information and details about new or revised policies via a Medical Education Policy & Procedure Committee newsletter. Stay tuned!

For additional questions or guidance, please contact the Office of Educational Quality Improvement (