MS4 Class Information – May 4, 2023

Register by May 12 for Black Graduation and Kente Ceremony in June

This year’s 27th annual ceremony will be held at the Alaska Airlines Arena at Hec Edmundson Pavilion. This move will allow organizers to host a non-ticketed event, this allowing graduates to invite more of their family and friends to join them in celebration. You can sign up to participate through the link here; the deadline is May 12.

Here’s more information about the event, and you can learn more on the Black Graduation and Kente Ceremony website.

• Date: Sunday, June 4, 2023
• Time: 7 to 9 p.m.
• Address: 3870 Montlake Blvd NE, Seattle, WA 98105
• Theme: Black is Culture

The event welcomes volunteers; you can sign up here.

Complete: Specialty & Residency Planning Survey for Match 2024, due May 14

MS3s and Expanded MS4s: Today the Career Advising team asks you to complete the first in a series of short, required surveys that are essential to the planning and advising process for residency application and Match. The information you provide helps your Career Advisor, in collaboration with your Specialty Career Advisor(s), know how best to support you in your specialty planning and residency application strategies.  We will follow up with you until we receive your response.

Take the Survey Now

At the start of Explore & Focus, many students are undecided on their specialty and this is normal. The role of your Spring and early Summer E&F rotations is to support your specialty decision-making process and help you prepare a strong residency application.

Linh, Sarah and Tonja in Career Advising are here to support you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Office Hours via Zoom,  Monday through Thursday, hourlong starting at 11 a.m. AK, noon PT, 1 p.m. MT:


Latest update about the AAMC Graduation Questionnaire and Explore & Focus Phase surveys

From Sara Kim, Ph.D., associate dean for Educational Quality Improvement: With your high participation in the survey, we have a real chance to improve the accreditation status of the four remaining LCME citations. That would be a real gain for all of us. Please see the incentives below that will be distributed through raffles after the survey closes.

Your Foundations and clinical deans helped produce this video regarding the importance of completing the surveys, which you can also see above.

As they mentioned, we do look at every single data point and comment you submit!

Thank you, everyone.

AAMC GQ Update: Summary Data & Incentives

This week’s rate is at 56 percent, a 2 percentage point increase from last week thanks to Seattle and Spokane students. Thank you for your time. You will see in the graph the percentage of students who started the survey and haven’t completed it yet. Please look for the survey link directly issued by the AAMC and save your receipt for the raffle.

Incentives for AAMC GQ: 1 Amazon Kindle ($100 worth); 2 Amazon Fire Tablets ($60); 3 Portable Charger ($50); 2 Wireless Earbuds ($50); 1 Portable Bluetooth Speaker ($20); 1 USB Charging Station ($20).


Explore & Focus Phase: Summary Data & Incentives

Again this week, more students took the survey, raising the response rate by 2 percentage points to 35 percent. We thank these Montana,Seattle and Spokane students for completing the survey. If all those who started but didn’t complete the survey spend a bit of time, we can raise the rate to 44 percent.

An email with a customized survey link will sent by to help you access the survey more easily. Thank you everyone for your help.

Incentives for Explore & Focus Phase Survey:

  • 1 Amazon Kindle ($100 worth)
  • 2 Amazon Fire Tablets ($60)
  • 2 Portable Charger ($50)
  • 1 pair of Wireless Earbuds ($50)
  • 3 Portable Bluetooth Speakers ($20)


In case you missed it, here is the previous newsletter for MS4s.


Have a terrific week!