eValue Launch Page

eValue is UWSOM’s Clinical Scheduling & Evaluation System. The eValue system is used for scheduling and evaluation of students’ clinical clerkships. In eValue, students can find their immunizations & certifications, check the availability of clerkships, view their full clinical clerkship schedule, and view their clinical clerkship grades.

Faculty and Staff – find additional info about technologies used at the School of Medicine on the SOMALT Teaching Tools page.




Request Access

1. Submit users Identity Informationthis is needed to find a current identity record or create a new one. Users need an identity record to create a unique School of Medicine ID that is assigned to any of the users profiles that are in different systems.

2. Supervisor or manager submit a System Access Requestthis provides the information needed to determine appropriate access/permissions in the systems.

Login details will be sent to the user after system access has been setup.