The School of Medicine makes use of many technologies to develop and deliver curriculum, provide consistency between WWAMI sites, facilitate assessment and evaluation opportunities, and connect students and faculty throughout the region.
The pages here represent technologies that are supported by several different units in the School of Medicine, the University of Washington, and WWAMI partners. Support information is provided on each page. All of these services rely on student feedback for continuous improvement. Please do not hesitate to contact SOM Academic & Learning Technologies at with feedback.
Please see the menu items above or see the links below.
Computing Basics
- Laptop and mobile device requirements
- Encryption
- Get UW-Licensed Software (Windows 10 Education, Office ProPlus, Sophos Anti-Virus, statistical software, reference management, etc.)
- UW Email
- UW OneDrive
- Namecoach
- What happens to my UW technology when I graduate?
Foundations Phase
Clerkship Phases
Faculty/Staff Technology Resources
Get Involved in UWSOM Technology
Where to Go for Help
- SOM Academic & Learning Technologies: | HSB E-312
- UW IT: | 206.221.5000
- UW Networks, NetIDs, UW-licensed software
- Dean of Medicine IT: | 206.221.2459
- UW Office 365 Email, Encryption
- Elentra Support: | 206.543.9320
- Exam Software:
- Course Evaluations: | 206.543.9320
- Health Sciences Library Help: Contact Us