Student Engagement Opportunities

The UW School of Medicine provides students with the opportunities, resources, and support necessary to explore and expand their personal and professional interests, build relationships and work with others, develop skills and experiences, grow as individuals, and have fun. By promoting civic engagement in the community, creating partnerships, and fostering an environment that values diversity, free expression, and self-directed learning, Student Interest Groups contribute to the holistic development of our students.


Committee Membership

Represent the student voice by serving on school and student committees

Explore Committees

Curricular Pathways Progams

Develop knowledge & skills around a particular community or interest

Learn More

Registered Student Organizations

Find out how to join or register your own student organization

Get Involved

Student Government

Learn more about representing your class through the Medical Student Association

Join MSA

Service Learning

Explore projects & see how you can volunteer in your community

Discover Projects

Track Your Engagement

Log your activities to keep track of your engagement

Access the Tracker