7.5 Extracurricular Clinical Experience Policy

Purpose and Scope
The Foundations of Clinical Medicine (FCM) core clinical experiences include a required primary care practicum. UWSOM recognizes that some Foundation students may have an interest in seeking out additional clinical experiences outside of the FCM core clinical experiences built into the curriculum. The Foundations phase faculty and administration track and assist students in the organization of these required experiences.

This policy is necessary to ensure ongoing access to valuable, clinical education resources for all learners in the region and for credentialing and liability purposes. Students who participate in approved School of Medicine non-credit medical educational programs receive liability coverage. This policy guides students, faculty, interest groups, and community preceptors when considering a request and assist the Foundations campus in the approval of an extracurricular clinical experience (ECP).

Policy Statement
Foundation Phase student participation in clinical experiences offered outside the FCM curriculum must be approved and will be monitored and tracked by each Foundations campus. Students cannot participate in extracurricular clinical experiences between the end of Reproduction and Development and taking Step 1.

Requirements, Procedures and Guidelines
An extracurricular clinical experience must meet the following criteria:

  1. Does not adversely impact access to community preceptors for required and elective preceptorships, clerkships and residencies;
    1. The Foundations Dean and Clinical Dean will work together with residency program directors as needed to ensure appropriate experiences for all learners;
  2. Does not interfere with required activities of FCM, Foundation Phase blocks or courses;
  3. Does not adversely impact student participation or performance in FCM, Foundation Phase blocks or courses;
  4. Does not conflict with a Student Progress Committee prohibition on curricular activities.

Prior to any participation in an extracurricular clinical experience, students must follow the process outlined and receive a formal approval via email from their Foundations campus.

This policy does not include experiences which student register for University of Washington credit or experiences which are part of the required Foundation Phase curriculum such as:

  • Required Primary Care Practicum
  • R/UOP
  • TRUST experiences
  • FCM remediation
  • Service Learning
  • Preceptorship which is set up as a University course and offered for credit

Effective: Current
Last updated: March 28, 2022
Policy Contact: UW School of Medicine, Curriculum Office, somgov@uw.edu; Education Quality Improvement Office, eqi@uw.edu