MS4 Class Information: January 23, 2025

In this issue: 

  • RSVP for Foley Insertion Workshop
  • SOAP Student Prep Session

RSVP for Foley Insertion Workshop

The Urology interest group is excited to announce a Foley Insertion Workshop on January 29th at 6:00 PM in HSEB Room 101. Participants can expect to learn more about when and why to use foleys, who inserts foleys in the hospital, and can gain hands on training with Foley insertion, a strong clinical skill to have regardless of your future career interests and specialty. Participants can also use this opportunity to speak face to face with Urology residents and attendings to learn more about the field. 

Please RSVP here to secure availability, and for us to have an expected headcount for the event. Thank you, and we are looking forward to seeing you then. 


SOAP Student Prep Session 

The Career Advising, Student Affairs, Counseling & Wellness, Surgery, Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, and Emergency Medicine teams are hosting a collaborative session in the lead-up to SOAP/Match week for students wanting to know more about SOAP 

If you didn’t receive the number of interviews you had originally aimed for and are curious about or want to understand how SOAP works, we encourage you to join us. Review Career Advising’s SOAP page in advance of the session. 

Monday, February 3 

10:30 a.m. AK/ 11:30 a.m. PT/ 12:30 p.m. MT (90 minutes) 

Join via Zoom. Meeting ID: 935 9906 9836  

The presentation portion of this session will be recorded, but the Q&A portion will not be for student privacy. 



Here is a link to the Jan. 9, 2024 newsletter for MS4s.