MS4 Class Information – Aug. 8, 2024

In this issue:

  • ICYMI: Application and deadline information for the AOA Medical Honor Society Fall senior election
  •  Survey response rises to 53% – goal is 90%
  • Reminder: Infection Control Training is required by this Saturday, Aug. 10

ICYMI: Application information for the AOA Honor Medical Society; deadline is Aug. 18

The UW chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) Honor Medical Society Fall ‘senior’ election will be held in early September. AOA is the national medical honor society.  Membership signifies a lifelong commitment to professionalism, leadership, scholarship, research, and community service. There are 123 chapters around the country, and each year, approximately 3,000 students, alumni, residents, and faculty are elected into the society. You can learn more about the organization on the national AOA website or on the UW Chapter of AOA website.

Election action items:

NO late submissions will be accepted. A final reminder will be included in the Aug. 15 student newsletter.

Reminder: Infection Control Training is required by this Saturday, Aug. 10

Action Required:

Log in to Canvas. Self-enroll with your UW NetID.

Deadline: This Saturday, Aug. 10, 2024

CastleBranch: Please upload your certificate of completion (which you will receive via email from Certificates will be emailed weekly.


Infection Control Training is an annual UWSOM compliance requirement.  All matriculated students, including students on a leave of absence and MSTP students in graduate school, are required to maintain compliance.

Below is a link where you can self-enroll in the Canvas course. You will need to watch the WISH donning/doffing PPE videos then complete the 3-question attestation in Canvas followed by the infection control training modules. There are 5 modules. The quiz questions are embedded in the training modules. Please complete all modules and all attestations to successfully pass the requirement.

There are several modules:

  1. Watch the WISH donning/doffing videos
  2. Complete the WISH attestation
  3. Open the external link to the “Required Clinician” training modules (about 25 minutes total). The quiz questions which are embedded within the training modules. There are 5 modules:

  1. When done – we will email you a PDF certificate of completion
  2. Upload this PDF to CastleBranch (please give us a week to get this to you)

You do not need to send Compliance anything. We can view your quiz results and PPE attestation online.  You must score at least 80% on the quiz to pass the course. You can print your quiz results for your own records but do NOT upload it to CastleBranch or it will be rejected.

We will email you a certificate of completion which you can upload to your CastleBranch UW71 Compliance Tracker prior to Aug. 10, 2024. Certificates will be emailed weekly. Your renewal date in CastleBranch will then be set for Aug. 10, 2025.

Additional Information:

Reminder about the UWSOM protocol for blood borne pathogen exposures:

BOOKMARK this page on your mobile devices:


If not completed by the Aug. 10 deadline, non-compliant students will receive a “Final Notice” email. Foundations and clinical deans will be copied on the email. Non-compliance disqualifies students from receiving the Compliance Award.

Contact: Please email us at or with any questions.

Spring Survey response rate rises to 65% – goal is 90%

From Sara Kim, PhD, research professor, surgery, and associate dean for Educational Quality Improvement (EQI):

Thank you to everyone who helped raise the survey response rate by 12 percentage points (from 53% to 65%).

This week’s accolade goes to Wyoming (95 percent) who recorded a whopping 47 percentage point increase this week! The highest response rate goes to Montana (93%, up 11), followed by Idaho (79%, up 18), Spokane (76%, up 19), Alaska (50%, up 5), and Seattle (47%, up 4). We would be grateful for your continued contribution and dedication to completing this 15-minute survey.

The email with a survey link was sent Tuesday, Aug. 6, to those who haven’t completed it yet.

Please see below the incentive breakdown by campus in the table below. You can choose to use your gift card with different vendors such as Amazon, Apple, Uber Eats, and many other stores, restaurants, and movie theatres!

Campus # of Gift Cards ($10) if Campus Response Rates Reach 60% Additional # of Gift Cards ($10) if Campus Response Rates Reach 85% If Campus Response Rates Reach 100%
Seattle 15 10 Any unused gift cards will be raffled to the campus cohort(s) reaching 100%
Spokane 9 6
Wyoming 3 2
Alaska 3 2
Montana 5 3
Idaho 6 4

Note: According to the UW policy, student employees (e.g., tutors, research assistants, hourly workers, etc.) cannot receive a gift card. If you win the raffle as a student employee, we will send alternative items of $10 value from Amazon.

Here is a link to the latest newsletter for MS4s.

Have a terrific week!