MS2 Class Information – July 27, 2023

Don’t forget to complete Infection Control Training by Aug. 10, 2023

Infection Control Training is an annual UWSOM compliance requirement for all students, including MSTP students and students on leave of absence.

Please complete the Canvas training, quiz and attestation by Aug. 10.  You can enroll with your UW NetID using this link:

You will need to watch the donning and doffing PPE videos, then complete a three-question attestation in Canvas followed by the five infection control training modules and a quiz.

Compliance will email you a certificate of completion which you can upload to your Castlebranch UW71 Compliance Tracker prior to Aug. 10, 2023.

ICYMI: “Tip of the Month” from the Career Advising Student Advisory Board

Update your Activity Tracker with all you have done this year. It is used for Gold Humanism elections, service awards, etc. Trust me, waiting until MS4 to input all your work is such a scramble.

If you can work it into your schedule this summer, try to do some review and questions for Step 1 – a little each day will help once dedicated comes around!

Originally written by BIPOC alum Shanelle Briggs. Reviewed by Career Advising Student Advisory BIPOC board member L’Oreal Kennedy.