MS4 Class Information – April 13, 2023


Update #8: AAMC GQ (54%) /  E & F Phase Survey (26%)

from Sara Kim, Ph.D., associate dean for Educational Quality Improvement



Dear MS4 Community, 

I thank you for continuing to complete both the AAMC Graduation Questionnaire and End-of-Explore & Focus Phase survey. We know this is a significant time commitment on your part. There will be a dedicated hour on May 22 for you to complete the survey while sharing pizzas with your colleagues. We also welcome your completion of the surveys prior to May 22.  

Please see below the detailed response rates and incentives.  Thank you everyone! 

AAMC GQ Update

Our GQ response rate went up by 1% (54%) and the national average has finally caught up with us: 54% vs. 57% (national). You really helped jumpstart the response rates early on. Two campuses contributed to the increases: Seattle (+3%, 49% vs. 46%) and Idaho (+2%, 56% vs. 54%). 

Incentives for AAMC GQ (please save the AAMC receipt): 

  • 1 Amazon Kindle ($100 worth) 
  • 2 Amazon Fire Tablets ($60) 
  • 3 Portable Charger ($50) 
  • 2 Wireless Earbuds ($50) 
  • 1 Portable Bluetooth Speaker ($20) 
  • 1 USB Charging Station ($20) 
Explore & Focus Phase Update 

Thank you for raising the response rate to 26% (+3% over last week). This week’s accolade goes to Idaho students whose response rate increased by 5% to 29%, followed by Seattle and Spokane (both 22%, +3% over last week). There were no changes at other campuses. Montana students continue to lead the response rate at 38%. If you haven’t already filled out the survey, please find the customized link from in your inbox.

Incentives for End-of-Explore & Focus Phase Survey: 

  • 1 Amazon Kindle ($100 worth) 
  • 2 Amazon Fire Tablets ($60) 
  • 2 Portable Charger ($50) 
  • 1 Wireless Earbuds ($50) 
  • 3 Portable Bluetooth Speaker ($20) 

Expanded MS4s Working on Away Rotation Applications  

We know this is a stressful time and that the application components can feel overwhelming. Don’t despair! You have a robust team of people to support you who have worked with many students in the past to attain excellent Away rotations. It is a step-by-step process. 

Some reminders for you: 

  • Review the VSLO and Away Rotation Session Recording and Slides and the application advice from Career Advising. The recording and slides highlight the steps in the process and the offices that can help you with each part of your application and your documents. 
  • Check in with your Specialty Career Advisor to get their input on programs to apply that are a good fit with your training goals and your level of competitiveness for your specialty.
  • Come to Career Advising Office Hours via Zoom, M-Th, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. AK, 12-1 p.m. PT, 1-2 p.m. MT, for advice on your Bio Section and Personal Statement/Letter of Intent. 
  • Attend a CV Review group session. CV template and session sign up 
  • Remember that the counseling team is here to support you. 

ICYMI: Please support future students by completing the TexasSTAR survey by TOMORROW – April 14

from Career Advising

UW has surpassed WSU’s response rate! 31% of you have completed the survey – compared to WSU which is at 27%! If you haven’t already, please complete the survey ASAP! 

As you may recall from last fall, the TexasSTAR is a national resource used to demystify the residency application process. All graduating MS4s across the country are invited to submit data about their residency application experience in order to build out the resource for future classes.  

This tool allows you to review specialties and programs, and to compare your profile against students who received interviews and matched to programs in your specialty. We’d love for all graduating students to complete the survey but especially if you used the TexasSTAR while researching programs.  

The more students who submit data, the more useful the information will be to future applicants.

The survey is delivered in REDCap and is completely anonymous. If you applied to more than one specialty, you’ll need to submit a response for each specialty.

Please complete the survey by tomorrow – April 14.

ICYMI: Please sign up for the Residents in Medicine directory

The Residents in Medicine (RIM) directory is comprised of recent UWSOM alumni available for current students to contact about their residency program, specialty pathway, application, and interview experience. By signing up, you give permission for the information you provide to be included in the directory. Your information will be in a secure, password protected online directory accessible only to current UWSOM students. After you complete residency, your information will be archived and removed from the active directory.

This directory is for UWSOM internal use only. If, at any point, you would like to be removed from the directory, please email Career Advising.

Sign up for the Residents in Medicine directory by May 15 and pay it forward to future UWSOM students!


In case you missed it, here is the April 6, 2023 newsletter for MS4s.


Have a terrific week!