Students sought for study of clerkship assessments
Want to improve clerkship assessment?! Researchers are recruiting MS3s and MS4s for a UW Institutional Review Board-approved study about how clinical clerkship assessments impact learning. The researchers hope this study will benefit medical students by improving clerkship assessments.
Participants will be offered a $50 gift card for one hour of their time.
What does participation entail?
- A Zoom interview that will be approximately 50 minutes
- Questions about your experiences in your clinical rotations
- Your participation is voluntary and your interview will be de-identified
- We will not share any identifying information with your institution or in future scientific presentations or publications
- You will receive a $50 gift card of your choice
If you are interested, please fill out this form.
For more information: Adelaide H McClintock, MD
Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine, UW Roosevelt Women’s Clinic
Clinic: 206-598-5500 / Pager: 206-314-0100/ Email:
Career Advising Student Advisory Board – Tip of the Month
On your rotations, try to get feedback from your attendings at least once a week! Some are better at offering feedback than others. If they aren’t giving you clear steps to improve, ask “what can I be doing to start functioning as an intern?” or “what is one thing in particular I can work on next week?” Feedback fatigue is real, though, so try to see this all as helpful coaching!
- Reviewed by Career Advising Student Advisory BIPOC board member L’Oreal Kennedy. Originally written by BIPOC alum Shanelle Briggs.
In case you missed it:
Here is a link to the Aug. 11, 2022 Weekly Student Newsletter information for MS3s.
Have a great week!