ACADEMIC YEAR Spring 2024 to Winter 2025
  1. Conduct the medical history using patient-centered communication with patients across the lifecycle
  2. Perform the appropriate physical examination with patients across the lifecycle
  3. Present well organized, appropriately focused and accurate oral case presentations for common patient presentations across the lifecycle
  4. Propose and initial diagnostic plan for patients with common primary care presentations
  5. Offer and communication management plans for patients with common primary care presentations, including acute, chronic, and health maintenance visits, using collaborative decision making with patients
  6. Apply established and emerging scientific principles of clinical sciences to diagnostic and therapeutic decision making, clinical guidelines, and other aspects of evidence- based health care
  7. Produce complete and accurate write-ups for common patient presentations across the lifecycle
  8. Demonstrate full range of patient-centered communication skills in multiple clinical settings
  9. Demonstrate demeanor that puts patients, families, and members of the health care team at ease
  10. Coordinate patient care within the health care system
  11. Identify and perform learning activities to address gaps in knowledge, skills and/or attitudes
  12. Demonstrate effective partnership with others as a member of the health-care team or other professional group
  13. Demonstrate professionalism throughout the clerkship