MS1 Class Information – July 27, 2023

Things to know before your first test

A message from Matt Cunningham, UWSOM’s director of educational evaluation: Here are a few important things to review as you head into your first medical school exam.

  • In the block overview section for each course page on Canvas, you’ll see a page called Assessment. This will tell you how exams and grading will work for that particular block.
  • Other questions will likely be addressed in the Foundations Grading & Assessment FAQ.
  • Please look over the Foundations Exam Environment. This policy contains information about expectations for exam day.
  • Please look over the Foundations Exam Postponement policy for what to do in case you are ill on exam day.
  • For those of you who haven’t updated already, soon you will get a notification when you launch Examplify asking you to update to version 3.3. You will need to do this prior to the exam on Monday, or you will not be able to download and take the exam.
  • Your proctors will read exam notices to you before each exam—these will have important instructions for the exam so please pay attention to them!
  • Pacing for exams in your first year of medical school will be 2 minutes/question, so pace yourself accordingly.


Dear E23 students,

A technical issue has arisen such that Examplify will not automatically notify you to update to version 3.3.

Please use the following link to download the Examplify 3.3 installer and manually update to 3.3 before Monday’s exam.


Please take the survey for new medical students

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) annually emails an anonymous survey known as the Matriculating Student Questionnaire (MSQ) to all incoming medical students. More than half of you have filled it out or started it; thank you!

If you haven’t started or finished the survey, please consider doing so. The data helps serve as a baseline for the school and gathers important information about your experiences before medical school, the medical school selection process and future career interests.

AAMC – an acronym you’re going to see/hear a lot during your time in medical school – is also grateful for the insights provided by the survey.

Have a wonderful week!