Track applications for the 2025-2026 academic year open July 15, 2024. The application and timeline is listed here. Please make sure you have read through the FAQ below before applying.

If your question is not answered below, please reach out to medevalu@uw.edu.

As a Track student will I be guaranteed additional time at my Track site in excess of the 24 weeks (Patient Care) or 12 weeks (Explore & Focus) allotted by Track?

No. Track ONLY guarantees 24 weeks in Patient Care, and 12 weeks in Explore & Focus at your Track site. You should not assume that because you are a Track student you will be given additional time at your Track site.  No student- unless they have a disability accommodation prearranged with the DRS Office- will stay in one location for their Patient Care or Explore & Focus Phase.  Explore & Focus students may have the opportunity during their scheduling appointments to register for additional clerkships at their Track site, subject to availability.  All students will travel throughout the WWAMI Region during their clerkship phases.

How can I get additional time at my Track site?

The only students who are guaranteed additional time at a particular site beyond what is granted for Track are those with disability-related location accommodations from UW DRS (Disability Resources for Students).  Deadlines for UW DRS location accommodation requests apply and are typically well before the start of the clerkship scheduling process; contact DRS for more information.  If you feel you have extenuating circumstances (such as anticipated birth of a child, or terminal family illness), you may reach out to Student Affairs to discuss options including temporary leave of absence.

Why is Track 24 weeks (Patient Care) or 12 weeks (Explore & Focus)?

Track is limited to 24 weeks in the Patient Care Phase and 12 weeks in Explore & Focus Phase due to the limited clerkship availability at Track sites, and to maximize the number of students that can be accepted into Track.

Who selects the Track students?  What are the criteria for acceptance?

Track placements in WWAMI are selected by each site’s own Regional Clinical Dean (ex., the Alaska Regional Clinical Dean selects the Alaska Track placements, the Montana Regional Clinical Dean selects the Montana Track placements for all 3 Montana Track sites, etc.).  For GSO, placements are decided by the Student Affairs and Curriculum Deans. Criteria for acceptance varies depending on site since the acceptance process is decentralized. For specific information about criteria, contact the appropriate Regional Clinical Dean; for GSO contact medevalu@uw.edu.

What are my chances of getting a Track spot?

Chances vary from site to site, and from year to year based on student interest in a particular Track site, as well as availability provided for clerkships at the Track sites.  Sites like Wyoming have high availability relative to Track applicants and can usually accept all students that apply. Track sites like Spokane and Seattle have greater demand and have limited availability, so it is unlikely that all students who apply will get a Track spot.  It’s important to remember that no one is guaranteed a Track spot; we will accept as many students as we can, but unfortunately interest is often greater than availability.

Can I be chosen for multiple Tracks?

Yes! Since Track spots are chosen by each Regional Clinical Dean you may receive multiple offers from different Tracks.  You can only select one Track.

Can I apply for a Track as a TRUST student?

Not for the Patient Care Phase Track.  TRUST students must participate in WRITE during their Patient Care Phase.  Students who participate in WRITE during their Patient Care Phase can apply for a Track for their Explore & Focus Phase.

Can I apply for a Track during Patient Care and also apply to WRITE or Olympia LIC?

Yes! You are welcome to apply to all three Special Programs and decide (if accepted to multiple programs and/or Track sites) which one best suits your needs for your Patient Care Phase.

 Do I have to accept my Track placement?

If selected for Track you are given the option to decline your placement.  However, you must formally accept your Track placement if you do want to be in Track.

If I’m offered a Track spot, am I automatically a Track Student?

No! You must accept your Track spot to be considered a Track student. Your spot will not be held if you don’t claim it; instructions will be provided to students offered a Track spot on how to accept.

I took a leave of absence and was a Track student. Will I be automatically put back into Track when I return in a new academic year? 

No.  Due to year-to year variation in site availability, you must reapply for Track when you reenter the Curriculum.  Track is only granted for the year and phase for which you applied and does not carry over into a new academic year if you leave the Curriculum.

(Patient Care Track) Am I allowed to trade the clerkships that have been scheduled at my Track site?

It may be possible to trade clerkships at your Track site during the clerkship “swap/trade” period, but restrictions apply. You must retain your overall Track requirement of being scheduled for 24 weeks at your track site during the Patient Care Phase. The student with whom you are trading with must also adhere to any programmatic requirements that apply to them. Trade requests will be evaluated to ensure feasibility before processing by the Registrar’s Office.

Am I automatically in Explore & Focus Track if I am accepted into the Patient Care Track?

No. If you are interested in Track during your Explore & Focus Phase you must apply to Explore & Focus Phase Track (applications are sent out the Spring/Summer of your Patient Care Phase).

Are the Track sites the same for the Patient Care and Explore & Focus Phases?

No. In the Patient Care Phase students can apply for Track spots in Alaska, Idaho, Wyoming, Billings MT, Bozeman MT, Missoula MT, Spokane WA, Wenatchee WA, and the Greater Seattle Area (GSO).  In the Explore & Focus Phase due to availability limitations there are only options to track in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Spokane.  The entire state of Montana is considered a Track site in the Explore & Focus Phase and students will not just be assigned in a specific city like they are in the Patient Care Phase.

What is the GSO?

GSO is the Greater Seattle Option.  It is a Track site for the Patient Care Phase only and includes clerkships sites in Seattle, the Eastside, Renton, Kent/Federal Way and Everett.  The GSO does not include Bremerton or Tacoma clerkship sites.

What do the 12 weeks of Track include in the Explore & Focus Phase?

Explore & Focus Track is comprised of a student’s Required Emergency Medicine clerkship, Required Neurology/Neurosurgery clerkship, and one 4-week non-permission elective.

Can I choose the clerkships I want to take at my Track site?  Can I choose when my Track clerkships will take place? 

No. Due to limited clerkship availability, Track students are unable to submit preferences for specific clerkships or timeframes at their Track sites.

Will my Track clerkships be consecutive? 

No, clerkships at your Track site will not necessarily be consecutive.

Are all clerkships in the Idaho Track in Boise? 

No. Idaho is a statewide Track; Track students placed in Idaho should expect to do at least one of their Track clerkships outside of the Boise/Treasure Valley Area.

Can I apply for a Track if I missed the application deadline?

No. Track is very popular and space is limited; only students that submitted their applications on time will be considered for a Track position