Faculty awards noted in the first faculty newsletter of 2023

Here is where we list the names of UWSOM faculty who have received awards. The listing comes from our bimonthly Faculty Newsletter. If you know of someone who should be acknowledged, please let us know at uwsomcom@uw.edu.


Montana students honor Dr. Meissner

Nicole Meissner, M.D., Montana WWAMI lead for Infections & Immunity; Cancer, Hormones, & Blood; and the Pathology thread, was honored by E-21 students as Outstanding Lecturer.
At ceremonies, students said, “Dr. Meissner’s enthusiasm for teaching, attentiveness to the needs of her students, and dedication to our learning helped us make the impossible, well, possible; we’ve completed Foundations and gained the knowledge we need to take the next step of our journey one lecture, board-style question, and Path Presenter slide at a time.”
“Dr.Meissner has helped us learn the microscopic basis and pathophysiology of hundreds of diseases, and reminded us time and again how much we can learn by simply observing a single cell, a conglomerate of tissue, or an organ as a whole. She reminded us to see the beauty and remain in awe of medicine and the human body by taking time to appreciate the small things, like the vibrancy of amyloid’s apple green birefringence under polarized light, the incredible size of the ovarian corpus luteum, or the nearly inconceivable coagulation cascade that allows us to heal from a minute paper cut and move on with our day.”

Dr. Meissner: you are intelligent, articulate, compassionate, forthright, vulnerable, witty, and kind. And most of all, you care so much about shaping future generations of physicians to be their best, and it’s evident in the way you teach and guide your students. You are a talented instructor, and we are so grateful that we got to learn from you through each block, gaining the *high yield* tools we need to move forward to the next phase of our learning.”

E-21 student cohort

Drs. Weaver and Pittack honored by Seattle students

Caption here

Kurt Weaver, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the UWSOM Radiology Department and Cat Cat Pittack, Ph.D., Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Biological Structure, were honored with the Outstanding Lecturer Award by Seattle students in the E-21 cohort.

At the Foundations Celebration, MSA leaders said, “These instructors teach us in every block, which means we are lucky to benefit from their enthusiasm, understanding, and dedication to the subject throughout the entire Foundations Phase. Whether meeting 1:1 in lab or dressed up as a uterus and a colon in lecture, they have truly shaped our medical education.” 

Students said of Dr. Weaver:

, they commented “he’s always so helpful in lab and never intimidating. Anatomy is humbling in so many ways so to have an instructor who strives to build you up is always so welcomed.” Another said “[he] is very transparent about the difficulty of anatomy, but even more determined to make sure we understand the concepts. He has a care and kindness that I really appreciate, and I want him to be recognized for the work he puts in!”

Students said of Dr. Pittack,

“I’m going to genuinely miss her when we move to clinical rotations. She makes learning anatomy so much fun and feel so special.” If a student struggles, this positivity persists. Another student shared with us that “I did not do very well on a test but she did not make me feel bad for how I did. She was very understanding and non-judgmental.  She is also enthusiastic about anatomy and it is always a pleasure to see!”