6.4 USMLE Step 1 Examination (E18) Policy

E-18 Requirements, Procedures and Guidelines

Timeline and requirements to take Step 1:

  • Students will take the UWSOM proctored National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) customized assessment at the end of term 2 and the NBME comprehensive basic science examination (CBSE) at the end of term 3.
  • The deadline to take USMLE Step 1 is March 15.
  • Remediation of any Foundations Phase required coursework must be successfully completed prior to taking USMLE Step 1.
  • Students must take Step 1 prior to the Patient Care Phase start date for their entry year unless they have a mandated delay or an approved deferral (see below).
  • Students who are unable to take Step 1 on the School of Medicine timeline must take Step 1 within one year of completing the Foundations Phase. Students who fail to take and pass USMLE Step 1 within one year of completing the Foundations Phase will be referred to the Student Progress Committee (SPC).

Mandated delay of Step 1 test date (Delayed start of Patient Care Phase)
The performance of all students in the Foundations Phase will be evaluated by the ad hoc Foundations Phase Mastery Committee* during term 3. All factors (overall performance in the blocks, threads, and courses, trajectory during the foundations phase, the score on the NBME Comprehensive Basic Science Exam, and extenuating circumstances) will be weighed. Students identified by UWSOM as not demonstrating adequate mastery of the basic science curriculum will be required to delay sitting for Step 1. This will result in a delayed entry into the Patient Care Phase.

[Note: For E17 and E18 students, the delay will not be mandated but will be encouraged for appropriate students.] The requirement to delay the Patient Care Phase will be determined in the third term of the Foundations Phase (before clerkship schedules are completed).

Students identified by UWSOM as not demonstrating adequate mastery of the basic science curriculum will:

  • Delay scheduling their Step 1 test date until spring quarter;
  • Enroll in a UWSOM 8 credit Comprehensive Basic Science Review course to be administered during winter term;
  • Complete self-administered Step 1 practice tests (CBSSA) to assess progress during the dedicated Step 1 study period;
  • Complete a final CBSSA exam at the end of the delay period (by the end of spring quarter). Students whose final CBSSA score is predictive of a passing USMLE Step 1 score will be required to sit for the USMLE Step 1 exam in spring quarter.

Students whose final proctored CBSSA score at the end of the CBSR course (end of spring quarter) is not predictive of a passing USMLE Step 1 score will be placed on leave and will participate in required additional programming. Students will be required to meet with the Student Affairs Dean to formalize a leave of absence and will be dropped from summer quarter Patient Care Phase clerkships. A passing score on Step 1 will be required to re-enter the curriculum and enroll in the Patient Care Phase.

Students who have not taken Step 1 within one year of the completion of the Foundations Phase (end of term 3) will be referred to Student Progress Committee.

USMLE Step 1 Deferral Policy
USMLE Step 1 deferrals will be considered only for extenuating circumstances (personal and health reasons). Students must not plan travel, especially international travel until Step 1 is taken. Students requesting a deferral must meet with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.

Students who fail to take USMLE Step 1 by the end of spring quarter after the Foundations Phase will be placed on leave of absence and will not receive a Patient Care Phase schedule until they obtain a passing score on the USMLE Step 1 examination. Delaying USMLE Step 1 past March 15 may result in medical school expansion. Students who fail to pass USMLE Step 1 within one year of the approved deferral will be referred to the Student Progress Committee.

*The ad hoc Foundations Phase Mastery Committee will be comprised of learning specialists, Foundations deans, and members from Student Affairs, Curriculum, and Registration.

Related Policies: 

MD Program Graduation Requirements Policy 

Academic Requirements Policy