Remediation is the process by which students address and rectify a failure in a required block, course, or a lack of competency in one of the threads. Remediation provides an opportunity for students to focus their studies on, and demonstrate competency of, material that they may not have grasped initially. Remediation is not a punitive measure. It is designed to ensure that students have been adequately prepared to move forward in the curriculum. The ultimate goal of remediation is to prepare students for the next phases of their training.
MS1 Remediation Timeline
E24 students must complete MS1 remediation between June 30-August 22, 2025. These dates are determined by the Foundations Phase Remediation for Blocks and Threads Policy.
MS2 Remediation Timeline
E23 students must complete MS2 remediation between January 6-March 14, 2025. These dates are determined by the Foundations Phase Remediation for Blocks and Threads Policy.
Students are expected to:
Before remediation starts:
- Set up a meeting with the Block/Thread Director (or designated faculty)* to develop a study plan and ask the faculty to share their expectations and remediation format.
- This meeting should be scheduled by July 1 for MS1s, or January 10 for MS2s.
- Register for Independent Study Remediation course(s):
- Seattle and Spokane MS1s must also register for the Independent Investigative Inquiry (III) and MHS II courses.
- Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming MS1s must also be registered for the Independent Investigative Inquiry (III) and MHS II courses.
- All MS2s must also register for Consolidation and Transition to Clerkships courses.
* Note: if unsure who to contact, please reach out to Edith Wang:
During remediation:
- Utilize available resources (including Block or Thread Canvas site, recorded videos, and AMBOSS) to revisit material to achieve competency in this area.
- Schedule meetings:
- with designated faculty mid-way through the quarter to check in on the remediation plan.
- with a tutor at least once a week to go over material in the study plan.
- with a learning specialist at least once during quarter to review study strategies.
- By the end of the second week of the quarter, email and the Block/Thread Director the date of your remediation exam.
- Remediation exams will be only proctored or given on Fridays.
- By the last day of the UW quarter, complete the remediation exam.
- Dates for specific cohorts are listed in the Timeline sections above.
Block/Thread Directors (or designated faculty) are expected to:
- Meet with students individually before the beginning of the remediation period to:
- Develop a study plan based on course materials available on Canvas.
- Clearly provide your expectations and remediation plan (including exam format).
- Create a remediation exam.
- Block exams need to include thread questions.
- Complete a mid-quarter check-in with the student, which the student should schedule.
Remediation FAQs
Please email if you have questions that are not answered here.
Visit the Foundations Phase Remediation for Blocks and Threads Policy webpage for the current policy.
- You will be notified by a Block/Thread Director.
- Student Progress Committee (SPC) determines if remediation is allowed at their next meeting.
- Curriculum (Dr. Edith Wang – will notify you about remediation timelines and details.
If you do not achieve a Pass grade in your remediation course, SPC will be notified and determine the next course of action.
The Thread Director reviews the cumulative performance for each student across the term and in each block. They will inform you which blocks require remediation of thread content.
You will take an exam for each block that requires thread remediation. These exams will only assess thread content.
Yes, block remediation exams include thread questions.
Yes, we can adjust the Triple I (III) coursework. We refer to this adjusted course as a modified III.
A student will be required to complete a modified III if:
They fail two or more blocks in the 1st year.
They fail one block and do not achieve competency in one or more threads in the 1st year.
They do not achieve competency in three or more threads during the 1st year.
A student can also choose to complete a modified III if they have extenuating circumstances and/or required remediation over the summer.
The modified III option involves Scholarship of Integration. Students frequently choose a remediation topic or topic of interest as to not cause additional stressors.
If you want to do a modified III, please reach out to The III program will work with you to develop a modified III that will make sure you have achieved competency of the required course-work during the 1st year of medical school.
For a Block Fail: A failing grade in a block will be noted on your transcript. The course taken for remediation also will appear on your transcript with a Pass or Fail grade corresponding to whether you successfully remediated. Additionally, your MSPE letter will include this information under the “Academic History” section.
For lack of Thread Competency: Not achieving competency in a Thread will NOT be noted on your transcript. However, the remediation of a Thread will appear on your transcript as an independent study course. The required remediation through an independent study course will be reported on your MSPE letter, under the “Academic History” section.