Plan ahead! Below you will find the Scholarship of Discovery Timelines

Please keep in mind that the following timelines are subject to change, and please continue to monitor your UW e-mail for announcements from the Triple I team

III Scholarship of Discovery Timeline-Incoming Students

Oct 2024 –
Dec 2024
  • Find a Faculty Mentor. If you have an idea that is not in a field basic to medicine, please discuss this with the Director of Scholarship prior to writing your proposal.
  • The Directory of Faculty Projects will be made available November 1.
  • The deadline to contact Faculty Mentors from the directory is December 31.
  • Jan 2025 – Feb 2025
  • Scholarship or Discovery application due by January 4th. Work with your Faculty Mentor to prepare a Project Proposal.
  • March 2025
  • Project Proposal Due. (Proposal form can be found on Canvas. Please submit your proposal through Canvas.
  • March 2025
  • Projects Proposals are accepted or conditionally accepted
  • April 2025
  • Project Proposal revisions due for those that were conditionally accepted
  • May 2025
  • Final Project Proposal approval for conditionally accepted proposals
  • Summer 2025
  • Research is conducted. Each step of your project should be completed in conjunction with regular meetings with your Faculty Mentor.
  • August & September, 2025
  • Work with mentor on poster
  • October 2025
  • Final poster must be submitted to your Foundation Site’s Poster Session coordinator (more information will be available in the Fall
  • October or November 2025
  • Present at your Foundation Site’s Medical Student III Poster Session.
  • For the Entering Cohort Class, this will be TBD.
  • November 2025
  • Exit survey due (Available in the Fall)
  • December 2025
  • Faculty Mentor Evaluation of Student’s work is due.
  • III Scholarship of Discovery Timeline-Current Students

    Oct 2023 –
    Dec 2024
  • Find a Faculty Mentor. If you have an idea that is not in a field basic to medicine, please discuss this with the Director of Scholarship prior to writing your proposal.
  • The Directory of Faculty Projects will be made available November 1.
  • The deadline to contact Faculty Mentors from the directory is December 31.
  • Jan 2024 – Feb 2024
  • Scholarship or Discovery application due by January 4th. Work with your Faculty Mentor to prepare a Project Proposal.
  • March 23rd 2024
  • Project Proposal Due. (Proposal form can be found on Canvas. Please submit your proposal through Canvas.
  • March 2024
  • Projects Proposals are accepted or conditionally accepted
  • April 2024
  • Project Proposal revisions due for those that were conditionally accepted
  • May 2024
  • Final Project Proposal approval for conditionally accepted proposals
  • Summer 2024
  • Research is conducted. Each step of your project should be completed in conjunction with regular meetings with your Faculty Mentor.
  • August & September, 2024
  • Work with mentor on poster
  • October 1st, 2024
  • Final poster must be submitted to your Foundation Site’s Poster Session coordinator (more information will be available in Fall 2023)
  • October or November 2024
  • Present at your Foundation Site’s Medical Student III Poster Session.
  • For the E23 Class, this will be TBD.
  • November 2024
  • Exit survey due (Available in the Fall)
  • December 2024
  • Faculty Mentor Evaluation of Student’s work is due.


    ***Website updated on 06/03/2024***