Non-Clinical Electives

Students taking courses during the Foundations Phase are given the opportunity to pursue electives that may enhance their personal medical education. These electives, otherwise known as Non-Clinical Electives, are offered by the University on a quarterly basis, and while do not involve direct patient care, are relevant to medical education. Because these courses run on the quarter system, they may not correspond exactly with other course requirements in the School of Medicine.

Please check out the Non-Clinical Electives website for more information on the WWAMI Non-Clinical Electives (Spokane, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho)registering for courses, and Seattle-specific Non-Clinical Electives. If you have questions, please contact the SOM Non-Clinical Electives Team.

Remember, Non-Clinical Electives do not follow the same timeline as block courses and requirements in the School of Medicine. If your course has a final examination that conflicts with your block courses and requirements, we encourage you to work with the instructor to find a solution. Please refer to the current UW Academic Calendar for more information.

Instruction Begins WAC 478-132-030Sep 25, 2024Jan 6, 2025Mar 31, 2025Jun 23, 2025Jun 23, 2025Jul 24, 2025
Last Day of InstructionDec 6, 2024Mar 14, 2025Jun 6, 2025Aug 22, 2025Jul 23, 2025Aug 22, 2025
Final Examination WeekDec 7-13, 2024Mar 15-21, 2025Jun 7-13, 2025Typically the last class day of classTypically the last class day of classTypically the last class day of class
CommencementSeattle, Jun 13

Bothell, Jun 15

Tacoma, Jun 14
Quarter BreaksWinter Break Dec 14, 2024-Jan 5, 2025Spring Break Mar 22 -30, 2025Summer Break Jun 14-22, 2025Autumn Break

Aug 23-Sep 23, 2025