ACADEMIC YEAR Spring 2024 to Winter 2025
  1. Apply pediatric-specific medical knowledge to understand and address clinical issues
  2. Collect both focused and comprehensive, developmentally appropriate patient histories using triadic interviewing skills
  3. Perform age-appropriate physical examinations on newborns, infants and older children
  4. Construct appropriate approaches to common pediatric clinical problems by:
    • Identifying essential clinical features
    • Outlining natural history of disease processes
    • Creating stratified differential diagnoses
    • Formulating evidence-based diagnostic and therapeutic approaches
  5. Conduct healthcare maintenance visits that include the following components:
    • Childhood immunizations
    • Assessment of child development and nutrition
    • The principles of anticipatory guidance
  6. Discuss the effects of growth and maturation on pharmacokinetics and use this knowledge to select the appropriate treatment regimens of commonly used fluids and medications in patients of different ages
  7. Analyze common professional and ethical dilemmas in pediatrics
  8. Deliver well-organized, appropriately focused and accurate oral patient presentations
  9. Write well-organized, appropriately focused and accurate patient notes, including admission, progress and outpatient visit notes