ACADEMIC YEAR Spring 2024 to Winter 2025
  1. Conduct a complete inpatient admission medical history OR targeted outpatient history
  2. Perform an appropriate obstetrical exam
  3. Perform an appropriate gynecologic exam, specifically including breast and pelvic exams
  4. Construct a differential diagnosis and support the most likely diagnosis for a broad range of medical diseases
  5. Develop appropriate management plan for obstetrical gynecologic patients
  6. Identify the important anatomical, pathophysiological and pharmacological factors in diagnosis, workup and management of common OB or GYN problems
  7. Produce organized and accurate write-ups
  8. Deliver well-organized, appropriately focused and accurate oral patient presentations
  9. Communicate clearly with patients
  10. Demonstrate demeanor that puts patients, families and members of the healthcare team at ease
  11. Apply feedback provided during the clerkship
  12. Communicate and work effectively with other health-care professionals as a member of the team