Mission Statement
The University of Washington School of Medicine Medical Student Education Program will improve the health of the public by educating inquisitive and compassionate physicians who serve the evolving healthcare needs of diverse individuals while continually striving for healthcare justice and equity.
Vision for Medical Student Education
To empower students to become the physicians they aspire to be through innovative regional medical education.
- Collaboration
- Excellence
- Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
- Respect
- Stewardship
- Student Engagement & Leadership
UWSOM Medical Student Education Program Strategic Plan
Strategic Priorities: In order to achieve our Mission and Vision and to serve our students well, the MSEP will focus on the following Strategic Priorities over the next 5 years. These will be key drivers that drive us towards our Mission and Vision in an outcomes-based manner.
- Optimize the Medical Student Education Program governance structure and align resources to meet regional needs.
- Foster collaborative and innovative regional medical education that recognizes the attributes of regional sites.
- Become an inclusive and antiracist medical student education program that dismantles all types of oppression in the learning environment.
- Instill a continuous quality improvement culture throughout UWSOM’s medical student education program.
- Support faculty and staff education and lifelong learning across the region to optimize teaching outcomes as well as fostering recruitment, retention, and recognition.
Effective Date: Approved 2018, Reviewed 2014; Revised 2024; MSEC and Academic Affairs Deans
Policy Owner: VDARRA
Authorized Individuals: VDARRA, MSEC, EQISPC, Academic Regional and Rural Affairs Deans Policy Update: Administrative Update (non-substantive changes; no review required): October 7 2024 Contact Information: eqi@uw.edu