8.10 Academic Grievance & Appeal Policy
Purpose and Scope
The purpose of the policy is to outline a process for appealing a grade and/or evaluative comments.
Policy Statement
Students have the right to appeal their grades and/or evaluative comments in the event they feel the grade is demonstrably wrong or that there was an error in the grading process.
All students are permitted under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) to review educational records upon request. In accordance with Executive Order #58, University of Washington Scholastic Regulation 110.2, and the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) Standards for Accreditation 11.6, the School of Medicine has instituted a 3-step process to address academic grievances.
A student who believes that an instructor erred in the assignment of a grade, or who believes a grade recording error or omission has occurred may request a Grade Review. If unsatisfied, they may request a Grade Petition. If unsatisfied with the outcome of their Grade Petition, the student may appeal to the Grade Appeal Committee. Decisions made by the Grade Appeal Committee are final
Arbitrary is defined as “an unreasonable or unpredictable use of one’s authority in accordance with one’s will or desire”.
Capricious is defined as “implying an instability or irregularity that seems to be the product of whim or erratic impulse”
Change of Grade
Except in cases of error or appeal, the block/course or clerkship director may not change a grade that was
submitted to the Registrar.
Students can review their grade at any time but should carefully review Grade Petition and Grade Appeal
Process to Initiate a Grade Review
A student who has questions about how their grade was determined or why specific comments were
included in their evaluation can request to meet with the department for a guided review of their grade.
The process for completing a Grade Review may vary by course/department. To initiate a Grade Review,
students should contact the department/course administrator or director for the course they wish to
Process to Initiate a Grade Petition
If, after completing a Grade Review, a student wishes to dispute their grade, including the inclusion of
specific narrative comments, they can submit a Grade Petition to request that the course/clerkship
director formally investigate whether process was followed in assigning their grade. The requirements
and process for a Grade Petition may vary by course or department. To submit a Grade Petition, students
should contact the department/course director for the course they wish to review.
A student should submit a Grade Petition no later than four weeks after the grade is posted.
Process to Initiate a Grade Appeal
If a student is unsatisfied with the result of their Grade Petition, they can submit a Grade Appeal to
request that the Grade Appeal Committee review their case. To submit a Grade Appeal, students must
complete the Grade Appeal request form.
Grade Appeal requests must be submitted prior to the end of the academic quarter following the quarter
in which the course was taken (e.g., a Grade Appeal request for a course taken in Spring quarter must be
submitted by the end of UWSOM’s Summer quarter)
Grade Appeal Considerations
The Committee will determine whether the evaluation of the student’s performance was fair and
reasonable and whether the instructor’s conduct in assigning the grade was arbitrary or capricious, and
will decide what changes to the grade, if any, will be made. Decisions made by the Grade Appeal
Committee are final.
If a decision is made to change the grade and/or evaluative comments, a revised evaluation will be
submitted by the Grade Appeal Committee to the School of Medicine Registrar for placement in the
student’s official academic file.
If the grade and/or evaluative comments are not changed but there are circumstances or information
worth documenting, the course/clerkship director may submit a letter for inclusion in the student’s official
academic file. Students may also submit a letter providing their perspective on the grade or comments for
inclusion in their academic file.
Related Policies:
- Academic Grading Policy
- UW Grievance Procedures
- Family, Education, Rights and Privacy Act Compliance
- LCME Standards for Accreditation
Related Student Information and Resources
- Grade, Review, Petition, and Appeal Process Resources
- Grade Appeal Process
- Grade Review, Petition, and Appeal FAQs
Effective: Current
Last updated: December 02, 2024
Policy Contact: UW School of Medicine, Curriculum Office, Grade Appeal Committee, somchlng@uw.edu