8.13 Clinical Phase Incomplete Grade Policy

Clinical Phase Incomplete Grade Policy

Students are expected to complete all course work by the end date of the clerkship. If a student is unable to complete the course requirements due to an acute personal illness, or personal/family emergency, they may petition the clerkship director in writing for additional time to complete the clerkship requirements and receive an Incomplete grade designation. The clerkship director is never obligated to grant a student’s request for an Incomplete. Clerkship directors will use the designated process for students to request and for directors to approve the awarding of an Incomplete grade. If granted, the clerkship director will determine the remaining work for course completion. Clerkship directors may also initiate the assignment of an Incomplete grade without a preceding student request if the student has yet to complete all course work by the end date of the clerkship. The student must agree to the remaining work and plan for completion prior to the assignment of an Incomplete grade.

This remaining work must be completed, and a passing grade submitted by the deadline determined by the clerkship director and no later than the end of the next quarter in residence (enrolled in medical school). Deadlines for completion will be set with consideration of the student’s overall schedule and other academic responsibilities. If the student does not complete the agreed upon remaining work by the deadline set by the clerkship director, the incomplete will automatically convert to a Fail.

Students may petition to extend their Incomplete deadline passed the next quarter in residence but must obtain approval from the clerkship director to do so (who will decide in consult with a Student Affairs Dean). Extensions cannot exceed one year from the end date of the clerkship.

If a student is not granted an Incomplete in the course, the final clerkship grade will be determined by the work completed by the last day of the clerkship. Leave of absence and Registrar Drops are processed separately.


  • An Incomplete designation may be awarded in School of Medicine clerkships 4-weeks/8 credits or greater in length. Clerkships less than 8 credits are not eligible for an Incomplete designation.
  • An Incomplete designation is appropriate only when enough work has been completed at an acceptable level of performance such that the student can complete the remaining work without repeating the entire clerkship.
  • The request for a designation of Incomplete must be submitted to the clerkship director as soon as possible, but no later than the last day of the clerkship.

Students who need to delay an exam within 48 hours of the exam start time due to acute personal illness or family/personal emergency can do so according to the exam reschedule policy during the clinical phases. Delaying the clerkship exam may result in an incomplete grade.


The student’s request for Incomplete grade must include the following:

  • Reason for the request of an Incomplete grade
  • Expected resolution date of the reason for the request of an incomplete grade

The clerkship director approval of a request for an Incomplete grade must include the following:

  • Reason for the request of an Incomplete grade
  • Remaining work to be completed
  • Plan for completion
  • Expected date of clerkship completion
  • Any other conditions stipulated by the clerkship director.

Related Policies:

Exam Reschedule Policy Clinical: https://education.uwmedicine.org/8-7-exam-environment-policy-clinical-phases/

SPC: https://education.uwmedicine.org/md-program-policies-handbook/student-progress-committee-policies-principles-and-guidelines/

Leave Policy: https://education.uwmedicine.org/student-affairs/proactive-advising/leave-of-absence-clinical-expansions/

Effective: Current
Last updated:
October 14, 2024 (Patient Care Committee), October 28, 2024 (Explore and Focus Committee)
Policy Contact:
UW School of Medicine, Curriculum Office,somgov@uw.edu; Education Quality Improvement Office,eqi@uw.edu