ACADEMIC YEAR Spring 2024 to Winter 2025
  1. Conducts a complete inpatient admission medical history or targeted outpatient history
  2. Performs a complete inpatient admission physical examination or targeted outpatient exam
  3. Constructs a differential diagnosis and supports the most likely diagnosis for a broad range of medical diseases
  4. Manages a broad range of medical diseases by selecting diagnostic tests and medical treatment, including nonpharmacologic therapies and specific drugs
  5. Applies medical knowledge to interpret diagnostic tests
  6. Applies medical knowledge to propose diagnostic and treatment plans
  7. Produces organized and accurate write-ups
  8. Presents organized accurate oral case presentations
  9. Communicates clearly with patients
  10. Applies feedback provided during the clerkship
  11. Locate, appraise, and assimilate evidence from primary and secondary resources to patients’ health problems
  12. Coordinates patient care within the health system
  13. Use the knowledge of one’s own role and the roles of other health professionals to appropriately assess and address the health care needs of patients