Foundations Phase FAQ
You may remember some of these items from your orientation. Please reach out to if you have any questions.
A complete list of all the graduation requirements for your cohort is listed on the Graduation Requirements Policy page.
Students are required to attend all sessions listed in the UW School of Medicine Attendance Policy page.
Course materials are available 2 weeks before the start of every block or course. You can access your course materials via Canvas.
Exams are on Monday or Friday mornings. Exam times vary depending on your Foundations campus and can be found on your Elentra calendar. You will need to log in via SSO, using your UW Net ID.
The School of Medicine Assessment team sends exam schedules to students at the start of every quarter.
More information about assessment and exams can be found on the Foundations Grading and Assessment page.
Email Testing Services at if you have questions.
Scores from exams and other assessments are available via Canvas. The gradebook will show your current grade at any point, based on which assessments have been completed and their weight toward the final grade.
Thread and block grades are available on the Student Performance Dashboard.
You will first be notified by the block or thread director and then your case will be referred to the Student Progress Committee (SPC).
Additional information about next steps can be found on the Remediation website and the Assessment page.
Students have the right to review, challenge, or appeal grades. Please visit the Foundations Grade Review, Challenge, and Appeal Process page for more information.