8. 12 Foundations Phase Incomplete Designation Policy

Foundations Phase Incomplete Designation Policy

Students are expected to complete all course work by the end date of the course. If a student is unable to complete the course requirements due to an acute personal illness, or personal/family emergency, they may petition the WWAMI-wide course director in writing for a designation of Incomplete to allow for additional time to complete the course requirements. The course director is responsible for determining eligibility and granting these requests in consultation with the Assistant Dean for Basic Science or Associate Dean for Curriculum.  The purpose of the Incomplete designation is not to avoid a fail grade. The course director is never obligated to grant a student’s request for an Incomplete. Students and course directors must use the designated procedure for requesting, approving and assigning an Incomplete designation. If a student’s request for an Incomplete is granted, the course director will determine the remaining work for course completion. Course directors, following consultation with the student’s Foundations dean, have the option to initiate the assignment of an Incomplete without a preceding student request if the student has not completed all course work by the end date of the course. The student must agree to the remaining work and plan for completion prior to the assignment of an Incomplete.

All remaining work must be completed, and a grade submitted by the deadline determined by the course director, in consult with the Assistant Dean for Basic Science and Foundations Dean. This deadline should be no later than the end of the following summer quarter for Term 1 and Term 2 courses, or no later than the end of the following winter quarter for Term 3 courses. If a student does not complete the agreed upon remaining work by the designated deadline, the Incomplete will convert to a Fail.

A student who needs to extend their Incomplete deadline must obtain approval from the course director, who will consult with the Assistant Dean for Basic Science and Associate Dean for Student Affairs to determine a revised deadline. If granted, an extension may not exceed one year from the end date of the course.

If a student’s request for an Incomplete is not granted, the student’s final course grade will be determined by the work completed by the last day of the course. Leave of absence and Registrar Drops are processed separately.


  • An Incomplete designation in a School of Medicine Foundations Phase course may only be granted for courses 3-weeks or greater in length.
  •  An Incomplete designation may only be granted if a student has completed 50% of the course (at least half the exams for block courses) and completion of the remaining work can lead to a passing grade.
  • A student must resolve an Incomplete designation before they can be granted another Incomplete.
  • The request for an Incomplete must be submitted to the course director as soon as possible, and no later than the last day of the course.


A student’s request for an Incomplete designation must include the following:

  • Reason for the Incomplete
  • Expected resolution date of the reason for the Incomplete

A course director’s approval of a student’s request for an Incomplete designation must include the following:

  • Reason for the Incomplete
  • Remaining work to be completed
  • Plan for completion of the remaining work
  • Expected date of completion of the remaining work
  • Any other conditions stipulated by the course director.

Related Policies:

Leave of absence: https://education.uwmedicine.org/student-affairs/proactive-advising/leave-of-absence-clinical-expansions/

SPC: https://education.uwmedicine.org/md-program-policies-handbook/student-progress-committee-policies-principles-and-guidelines/

Exam Reschedule Policy – Foundations: https://education.uwmedicine.org/md-program-policies-handbook/8-4-exam-reschedule-policy-foundations/

Effective: Current
Last updated:
November 25, 2024, Foundations Committee
Policy Contact:
UW School of Medicine, Curriculum Office: somgov@uw.edu; Education Quality Improvement Office: eqi@uw.edu