Career Planning Framework
Career Advising uses the AAMC Careers in Medicine (CiM) 4 Phase Career Planning Process as the framework to guide you through the career exploration process to identify your fit and advance your professional goals.
CiM provides tools and information to help you align your interests and preferences with specialty and career options to make effective career decisions.
Career planning is an active process that requires reflection and engagement throughout medical school.

“It is widely recognized across academic fields that individuals who fit their field, work setting/environment, and other related factors are more happy and satisfied.” → AAMC Careers in Medicine
Career Planning Process – Key Support People:
- Career Advisors
- College Mentors
- Academic Learning Specialists
- Student Affairs Staff
- Student Interest Group Leaders & Interest Group Faculty Advisors
- Specialty Career Advisors
We invite you to contact us to talk through your career development plan.
Engage in reflection on interests and values.
Primary Activities:
- Introduction to Career Planning at UWSOM & AAMC Careers in Medicine (CiM) 4 Phase Planning Process
- Completion of AAMC CiM self-assessments
- Review of specialty and career decision making resources, especially the UWSOM Career Planning Timeline
- Gain familiarity with UWSOM Specialty Guides
- Engagement in student interest groups, service learning activities, pathways, and affinity groups
- Meetings with College Mentor and Career Advisor
Develop action steps for continued specialty and career exploration that aligns with your interests and values.
Explore specialties and career options.
Primary Activities:
- Review of specialty and career decision-making resources, especially the UWSOM Career Planning Timeline
- Participate in a Student-Alumni Informational Discussion (SAID), hosted by UWSOM Alumni Office
- Review of UWSOM and NRMP specialty data resources
- Read UWSOM Specialty Guides
- Engagement with specialty interest groups, specialty panels, service learning activities, pathways
- Informational Interviews
- Meetings with College Mentor and Career Advisor
- Summer research or rural engagement community project
- Shadowing and preceptorships – Foundations students only
Begin clinical phase with increased knowledge of specialty and career pathways and a developing professional network.
Increased readiness to choose a specialty.
Primary Activities:
- Clerkships & electives
- Clinical Calendar for Organizing Schedules
- 4th Year Planning Webinars
- Refer to Specialty Guides for advice on 4th Year rotation scheduling
- 1-1 meetings with a Career Advisor and/or Specialty Career Advisor(s)
- Review of UWSOM & NRMP Match data
- Review of resources to support career decision making
- Retake CiM self-assessments
Optimize resources and advising to successfully navigate the specialty decision-making process.
Increase your level of preparedness for residency application and Match.
Primary Activities:
- Meetings with Specialty Career Advisor(s) and/or Career Advisors
- Complete residency applications
- Personal Statements, CVs, interview prep
- Mock interviews
- Review UWSOM Interview & Match data (found under UWSOM Resources for Identifying Programs)
- Review of national tools to identify good-fit residency programs
Complete Residency application.