Residency Application Costs

The process of applying to residency, completing interviews, and relocating to your residency program can be costly.

Depending on your unique circumstances (couples matching, applying to preliminary and advanced programs, dual applying, etc.), your total residency application costs may vary widely.

The AAMC provides information on the cost of applying for medical residency. To estimate the amount that you will spend on applications, you can utilize the ERAS Residency Calculator tool.

Application fees for ERAS and the SF Match vary based on the number of programs you apply to per specialty. Both charge a base fee for the first 10 programs and then charge an increased fee for each additional program you apply to.  To discourage students from blanket applying to too many programs, the cost per program increases as you add more programs to your list.

  • SF Match base distribution fee: $60+
    • For those applying to Ophthalmology: You may also apply in ERAS for preliminary programs, so you will need to factor that cost into your calculations. The SF Match also charges additional costs if you submit applications in multiple waves rather than all at once.

Match fees include your registration and match type (couples or single) and may also vary by the length of your rank list. 

  • NRMP match: $70 for up to 20 unique program codes on the primary rank order list + 20 unique codes on all supplemental rank order lists combined
    • Additional programs ranked: $30 per program code
    • Additional fees are charged for rank order lists with 100 or more ranks (visit NRMP for details)
    • Couples match: Applicants who participate in the Couples Match pay an additional $45 per partner
    • Late registration fee: $50 additional after January 31
  • SF match registration fee: $150 (this includes your match fee)
  • Urology match: $75

Additionally, you will be required to pay fees for copies of your UW transcript and your USMLE transcript.

  1. UW transcript: $11
    • Wait to order until September, unless Military Matching or applying via SF Match for Ophthalmology
  2. USMLE transcript: $80
    • The USMLE transcript cost will be charged via ERAS when you submit your application and the transcript will be uploaded automatically.
    • SF Match and Military applicants will upload their USMLE transcript into the respective application system.

SOM Financial Aid
  • Learn more about maximizing your loans and what additional costs can be added to your MS4 budget to support application and interview travel costs.
AAMC Info on the Cost of Applying to Residency