Office of Rural Programs

Community Project / Community Service

The WRITE Community Project / Community Service requirement aims to engage the student with the community outside of the clinical setting. This project is not part of any department clerkship and will not be given separate credit or a grade, but is an important part of the WRITE program.

The extended longitudinal experience of WRITE gives you a unique opportunity to engage your community.  It also provides an opportunity to use the concept of Community Oriented Primary Care (COPC) during your WRITE experience. Please read the following article on COPC:
Longlett SK, Kruse JE, Wesley, RM. Community-Oriented Primary Care: Historical Perspective (PDF).
J Am Board Fam Pract 2001; 14:54-63.

The WRITE Community Project or Service can take one of two forms:

  • Students can complete a Community or Clinic-based Project
    1. TRUST students and other students who participated in RUOP are encouraged to continue community projects started during RUOP
  • A community service option for students
    1. Community service would be volunteering with a community service organization such as Free Clinic, Food Bank, Meals on Wheels, Hospice, or similar service programs
    2. Volunteer for 20 hours minimum (over a 21-24 week WRITE experience)

About one month into WRITE, the student is required to submit a Community Project Proposal describing the project or service plan to their WRITE Site Director and to their WWAMI Regional Dean. Please answer the following questions when drafting the description:

  1. What will be done?
  2. How much time will be put into the project/service and what is the time frame?
  3. What are the goals and objectives of the project/service?

The proposal form will describe a summary of the community, identify the community or clinic/hospital partner(s), and provide 1-2 annotated sources reflecting the mission/outcome of the service or project.

At the end of the WRITE experience, students will submit a minimum written 500-word summary and reflection on their service or project.

The proposal and final summary and reflection will be submitted to Canvas based on due dates within the student’s WRITE calendar. Students should also share their proposal and final summary/reflection with their WRITE primary preceptor and their WWAMI Regional Dean.

Listing of Community Service Project Titles