Be in a study

First-in-family college grads sought for hourlong interview; $50 gift card incentive

A group of UW medical education researchers would like to interview fourth-year UWSOM medical students who are the first in their family to graduate college (FiF), about their noncurricular activities. Subjects would participate in an hourlong interview in person or over a video call. Participants will receive a $50 gift card.  If you are interested in participating in this study, please sign up at this link: For...

MS4s who have applied to pediatric residencies asked to participate in study

This is a request from Katherine Schultz, M.D., clinical assistant professor of pediatrics, University of Iowa: Please complete this five- to 10-minute survey, aimed at understanding what influences medical students in their career preference. Your participation in this is voluntary, and answers will be kept confidential. You will be invited to participate in an optional one-time 30-minute interview to understand your responses. If you do...

Ms3s, MS4s sought for study of clerkship assessments

Want to improve clerkship assessment?! Researchers are recruiting MS3s and MS4s for a UW Institutional Review Board-approved study about how clinical clerkship assessments impact learning. The researchers hope this study will benefit medical students by improving clerkship assessments. Participants will be offered a $50 gift card for one hour of their time. What does participation entail? A Zoom interview that will be approximately 50 minutes Questions about your...