A message from the Colleges team: The Colleges program is engaging in strategic planning to clarify our goals and to ensure that we are supporting students well during their medical school journey. Our program oversees the faculty who teach/coach in hospital tutorials and workshops the Foundations of Clinical Medicine course, and who provide longitudinal advising/mentoring/coaching.
Your voices are critically important. We are inviting you to participate in a focus group on Zoom to share your perspectives and experiences with the Colleges. If you have not already, please consider joining a small group of students and two facilitators for a one-hour conversation!
- MS1 focus group sessions (remaining dates May 2 and 9)
- (New/rising MS3 and/or MD/PhD (or other/expanded) focus group session (remaining dates May 11 and June 2)
- MS3/4 focus group sessions (remaining dates May 5 and 16)
You will need to sign into your UW Google account to access the documents. If you have any trouble, just email Julie Calcavecchia, and we can sign you up. We’ll follow up with Zoom link information and a reminder email prior to the meeting. Thanks to you all – and huge gratitude to the students who have already participated in a session!