Wyoming WWAMI celebrated its 25th anniversary during the Wyoming Medical Society Annual Meeting in Laramie this Fall. The Black-Tie Gala attracted a number of faculty, staff and alumni from over the years. In the photo above, you’ll spot; back row, from left to right, Robert Monger, M.D., current Clinical Dean for Wyoming; Matt McEchron, Ph.D., former Foundations Director/Dean; Brant Schumacker, DVM, current Foundations Dean and Director; Tim Robinson, Ph.D., former Foundations Director/Dean; Larry Kirven, M.D.; former Clinical Dean; and front row, left to right, Rich Hillman, M.D., former Clinical Dean; Deb Dolph, Program Administrator; and Suzanne Allen, M.D., M.P.H., Vice Dean for Academic, Rural & Regional Affairs, UWSOM.